chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Sleep was out of the question for Lucas after those dreams. Instead of sleeping, he went for a run through the dark and cold city and afterwards sat in front of a window, reading by a small lamp. He needed distraction.

Time was passing slowly as Lucas watched the black sky turn dark blue and finally lighter on the horizon. Another day had begun. Lucas would need to be on The Grid soon, reporting to Ros and all the others. But he knew that Ros would not be happy. He had cut off comms.

Around 7 Lucas was on The Grid sitting in the conference room with Ros already staring him down. He could tell she was fuming and only waited to start. As soon as the door closed behind Harry she was up. “You went off comms last night.” She accused. He nodded. “I know. I had some explaining to do.” He said. Ros snorted. “And you couldn’t have us listening in on your ‘explaining’ with the  girl?” she asked icily. “I wanted her to trust me.” “You are there to find out who this guy, Kirrill Grybov, is talking to and what about! He is giving out information and you need to find out what and to whom! Not enjoying yourself with a little whore!” At that Lucas jumped up from his chair. “Ros, you can try yourself to get any intel if you want. I know Sergej is always looking for new girls. Though, maybe you are a indeed too uptight for that.” Ros stared at him. “Lucas!” Harry bellowed, getting up. Lucas gritted his teeth.  “You have another week more to find anything out.” Ros said cooly. Lucas only nodded before leaving the building to cool himself down. He was glad no one, especially Harry tried to follow him and try to talk sense into him. He felt like he might have torn him apart.

Lucas took a walk along the Thames before getting back on the Grid. His mind was all over the place and he didn’t want to risk running into Ros again. After he got back Lucas was working on finding anything about Kirrill Grybov out for the rest of the day. He knew they needed that intel. A leaking source of intel could be terribly dangerous.

As it got later Nikki and the other girls in Sergej’s club started getting ready for their nights. Nikki was nervous. She knew Lucas had paid so she wouldn’t be available to other men, but Sergej wasn’t exactly the most honourable person. And Nikki wasn’t sure how afraid Sergej was of Lucas, or Nikolai.


Lucas was on the way to Sergej’s club a few hours later that day. He was feeling rather bad by then. His head was aching. He needed sleep, he knew that. He had been exploiting his body for weeks now, never sleeping properly, drinking heavily every night he visited the club. Also, the nightmares were getting to him. But he couldn’t rest now. And maybe, if he was exhausted enough he would get some sleep without waking up shivering and sweating.

“Ah, my little pearl. You’re serving drinks tonight.” Sergej sneered as they were about to begin their night. Nikki nodded. Serving drinks was worse than dancing and stripping. Men would try to grope you, get some fun with the girls for free and they tended to be rather rough. And she couldn’t expect much protection from Sergej… He would only want to collect the money if things went too far.

The music was playing, lulling you into a trance-like state. Vodka was served along with champagne and caviar. Only the finest stuff for the guests of the русский ночь. Lucas took a seat close to the stages and the favorite place of his Kirril Grybov. He hoped he would be here soon. He needed something to bring this mission forward.

Nikki had seen Lucas coming in and sitting down in his usual place but she was busy dealing with a group of Russians that were already heavily drunk and rather desperate. She wished they would just keep their hands to themselves. It made her sick.

The music, the lights and the skimpy clothed girls were slowly blurring together, Lucas was losing concentration. He had ordered a drink and was slowly sipping it but the vodka was counterproductive. He kept losing focus of what was going on. It was dangerous. “Kirill!” Sergej’s voice boomed, shaking Lucas out of his drowsy state. The club owner strode towards the group of men that had just entered, greeting them and immediately assigning two girls to care for the men exclusively. The girl from last night was among them. She seemed to nervous, shivering slightly as the men got close to her. Sergej was pushing her around, laughing and telling her not to be so scared. Lucas gritted his teeth involuntary. He had no idea why he disliked her being treated like that, but he did.

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