Chapter 4 - Don't Mess With Sodium, Kids

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"I cannot believe this. The best student in your year, not to say the school, and Zoe Meyer falls asleep in class. There is no scientific explanation for this." The headmaster says. I nod slowly.

There is actually a scientific explanation. Well, it's kind of more of a theory of mine, but a nerd's theory should always be valued. Someone spiked my water with some sleeping drug. Otherwise, the drowsiness I felt was inexplicable.

"I apologize."

"You should be apologizing to Ms Black, not me." Mr Mothe says, his eyes flitting towards the teacher standing to his right. Great. I bet they did this on purpose. It's common knowledge Ms Black is practically the only teacher in the whole school that dislikes me. If before she disliked me, now she'll hate me.

"I apologize Ms Black. I'll catch up with any work that I missed. I really don't know what happened."

"You fell asleep in my class, that's what happened." Ms Black says, giving me a pointed glare. I put my hands up in defense.

"I have never, ever fallen asleep in a class. I said I'm sorry and I'll catch up with all the work that the rest of the class did, which is more than anyone else would do. So can I please go now, because the only thing I'm going is missing more work."

Mrs Black's look gets worse but Mr Mothe looks towards the door which I take as a dismissal. I get the hell out of there as if the hounds of hell were after me.

As predicted, I turn up fifteen minutes late to Chemistry. Thankfully, Ms Laurentis who thinks I was heaven's creation, doesn't mind.

"Good morning Zoe. We've just changed seats -" Why is everyone changing seats now? The year is about to end. This makes no sense. "Your new partners will be Caitlyn and Luke."

This is very bad. This is very, very bad. For a lot of reasons. No 1. Caitlyn and Luke are twins. This will surely end in her accusing me of trying to lynch her brother off her. Except she wouldn't say it like that because her vocabulary, is, to put it simply, limited.

"Ugh, do we really have to sit with her?" Luke exclaims, pulling Caitlyn closer to him. She looks up at Ms Laurentis, batting her eyelashes.

"Hopefully something of her intelligence will rub off on you." Ms Laurentis says, dismissing Caitlyn's look.

"Teacher's pet." Caitlyn snarls as I sit down as far away from them as possible on the small island, rolling my eyes.

"Leave her, it's not worth it." I hear Luke say to her quietly.

"LUKE NEALTON, GET YOUR ARM OFF YOUR SISTER, AND SIT PROPERLY!" Ms Laurentis screams finally. I hold back a laugh and Luke's lip curls and he moves about a centimeter away from Caitlyn. "AWAY!" She shouts and he finally lets go of her. Then she turns to the rest of the class. "So you all know what we're doing today? Remember, it's a double period so I expect full notes on each experiment you try."

She told us what we were doing last lesson. So ignoring Luke and Caitlyn, I get up, grabbing the necessary equipment and finally retrieving the sodium from the cabinet they're kept in.

I don't get goggles for Luke or Caitlyn on purpose. I hope the explosion is so strong it singes his fucking hair off. And her fake eyelashes. Someone should tell her they really don't work.

Then Caitlyn stands, pushing me aside and grabbing the equipment from my hands. "I want to do this." Sure, no need to act like a seven year old.

"Kate, it's better if you let Zerd do it because if her hair goes on fire no one cares." Luke sings from behind us. I purse my lips. How would my hair even burn? It's always tied back. And it's not going to be a big enough explosion. "Get to work Zerd. We're going to need some notes, huh, Kate?" He says. She smiles.

Rolling my eyes I set everything up correctly while Caitlyn goes on her phone, showing Luke stuff. Before either of them realise Ms Laurentis is behind them, and she snatches Caitlyn's phone out of her hands. "You can have this back at the end of the day, Nealton." She says.

I then make the huge mistake of smiling. In seconds Luke is on his feet, grabbing the back of my collar. "You saw her, didn't you, you little skank. You wanted her to take the phone." He pushes on my head so it's dangerously close to the sodium, which is balancing right next to the water.

Can I just take a nerdy moment to point out that the reaction between sodium and water is not something you ever want to happen near your face. Okay. Moment over.

"Stupid bitch." Luke says, shoving on my head. I squeeze my eyes shut as my cheek hits the sodium and the whole bottle, oil and all, falls into the water. Just as he lets go I push myself up, taking a few steps away from the bench.

Then it starts exploding. Obviously, they would never give big packets of sodium to a school. Therefore it's not the kind of thing that blows up the whole science wing. But it makes a huge mess and explodes all over Caitlyn and Luke.

There's a high pitched scream and a short bellow of "Zerd!" before some foolish girl grabs the fire extinguisher and starts spraying it all over Caitlyn and Luke.

It's not like I want to help either of them, but I have to intervene, knowing this is going from bad to worse. I snatch the extinguisher out of the girl's hands, who was obviously just doing it to impress Luke, setting it aside.

"What is going on here?" Ms Laurentis says meekly as she strides over. I resist the urge to tell the truth, waiting for all the blame to fall on me.

"Meyer pushed the whole bottle of sodium into the water and then ran away so it would explode on Caitlyn and Luke." A boy offers. I raise an eyebrow without moving anywhere.

"Hm." She looks around. "Carter, take Caitlyn and Luke to the infirmary and ask for Mr Sivan. He knows how to deal with this. As for the rest of you, who took the fire extinguisher? Everyone in here knows it's against the rules-"

"It was Zoe!" The girl who took it says.

"Okay, I'll take the blame for the sodium but not for that." I say, crossing my arms.

"It was Zoe!" Another boy exclaims and soon half the class is chanting that it was me.

"OUT! EVERYONE!" Ms Laurentis finally screams and everyone makes a break for the door. Getting let out early is something to make the most of in this school. I lag behind.

"Miss, it really wasn't me-"

"I know Zoe, I saw everything." She pauses, as if deliberating whether to say something or not. "You really shouldn't let them walk over you like this. It's terrible."

I shrug. "They don't walk over me." She turns away, starting to gather everything left over and getting out the products to clean.

"Think what you wish. You can go if you want to."

"Can I help?"

"Well..." She turns around to peer at me. "Yes, come here." She says and I make my way closer. I spend about fifteen minutes helping her clear the mess before the bell starts ringing. I leave without saying anything else, simply hoping she doesn't report anything. It only makes things worse.

A/N - New chappie is up... Once more, any feedback is great, I try and respond or explain things as soon as possible... Thanks!

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