Chapter 27 - Revenge

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The sole prospect of walking into school on Monday morning, knowing Luke and Caitlyn are back, terrifies me. Seth and Caleb were made to come and apologise to me and Caleb was suspended for the rest of the week - only Thursday and Friday - but I know they're dreadfully angry.

I pretended to be sick and asked my mum if I could stay home: she saw right through me, and because I have an important end of unit exam today in Chemistry, she didn't let me.

There is a possibility that I could hide and miss school for the day, but the school would probably ring her like they did last time and I'd get into a load of trouble.

Also, she'd probably figure something was going on.

I sigh as I shove my books into my bag and walk downstairs.

"I'm going." I call to my mum. There's no answer, so I sigh again and walk outside, waiting for Jean to meet me. He's a few minutes late, but he eventually turns up, looking a little stressed.

"Hey." He says, a smile taking over his face.

"Hi." I answer, falling into step beside him as we start our walk to school. It's so nice having someone to walk with... "How are you?"

"Okay." He answers. "So Luke is back today, huh?"

"And Caitlyn." I wink at him, and he makes a throwing up gesture.

"Please." He groans. "I wish I could get some sort of bitch repellent so she'd never come near me again."

"You could always scar your face so badly your beauty would be ruined." I answer, giggling.

"It is impossible for my beauty to be ruined." He says, struggling to hold back laughter. "Anyway, it's just two weeks now. I won't risk destroying my face just for that."

"Good idea." I say, chuckling. "So, yeah, Luke is back."

"Nate has been really cold the past few days."

"Yeah, because he normally skips around giving me flowers all day." I answer. "He's been acting pretty normally, if anything more callous than usual." I shrug. "I don't need his pity. All I need is for him and the others to stay away from me."

"Do you think they've planned anything big?"

"I know they're all being watched really carefully because of everything last week, but I also know that they're humiliated by what we did, especially Luke and Caitlyn, and they won't stop at anything today. They've planned something for sure."

"Anything we can do to prevent it?" Jean asks. I shake my head, sighing.

"I don't think so, Jean. We're just going to have to go with it. I mean, you'll probably be dragged off by your lovely Caitlyn somewhere. I bet she's missed you."

He rolls his eyes, and I giggle again. Anything Jean and Caitlyn related is bound to make me laugh. It's amusing that he finds her so stupid, and it's amusing that she is refusing to get the message and leave him alone.

We walk to school in silence, me desperately thinking a way out of what I know is coming. I could go to the nurse and say I'm sick, but then my mother would know and she'd get angry. I could just run away for the day, but then my mother would also know. I could hide and just show up late to class.

I break out of my train of thoughts to check my watch. We're almost twenty minutes early and only five away from school, so if I were to go in very quickly, just grab my stuff from my locker and then hide in the toilet until class starts...

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