Chapter 1 - The Life of a Full-Time, Professional Nerd

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Get your head out of a book and into life is something that Zoe has heard enough times. But it obviously hasn't been enough to have an effect on her, because she's never done such a thing.

Books are her life. Why would she stop reading? There's so much she's read, so much to read, so much to remember... Some kids from her school aren't going to stop her.

"Hey, watch where you're going, Zerd." A boy says, bumping into her on purpose. She closes the book, keeping a finger in the page she was on, eyeing the boy. It's Caleb. Better not to say anything and just keep moving. He's one of the three.

The three boys who never seem to get enough of her, but not in a good way. They never get enough of tormenting, annoying, distracting, bullying her. With them, it's just better to ignore them, however hurtful they are, and keep your head down.

That's always the strategy in books, although how good this proves to be under the test is... Not outstanding.

"What's wrong, can't speak? Gave your tongue to a book, did you?" Caleb says before pushing past her and continuing down the corridor. As she stoops to pick up her fallen bag, she can't help but be somewhat hurt at the comment.

Even though it comes from Caleb, of all people, and it doesn't have any meaning to it, on the contrary, it's an extremely petty and childish thing to say, words still have effects.

But the thing that hurts Zoe most is that normally, in books, when you're bullied or the centre of attention for a bad reason, you normally have one or two good or close friends. Zoe doesn't. She doesn't even know who to befriend. There's little choice. They're all two faced bitches.

"-  out your textbooks and turn to page 116 - Zoe, why are you late?"

"Sorry miss." I say, keeping my head down as I sit down at my desk. A desk meant for two. But there's only one sitting at it. If these people knew me, they would all be killing to sit next to me because I am the only straight-A student in this school.

Thankfully though, the teacher doesn't persist, mostly because she knows I'm her best student, and most likely the only who's done the homework that was due in today. I pull out my books quickly, ignoring the scribbles on the front of them.

The worst thing about the scribbles is when a teacher sees them, and then comes the half an hour talk of what's going on Zoe. Telling teachers never helps. Most of them are useless at this stuff, anyway. They don't have the faintest idea what to do with a case of such bullying, so they chose to ignore it instead.

While practically everyone spends the lesson on their phones or computers, I actually try to pay attention to the lesson, and when bored, resort to a book. Normally not the latter, because with it come the bits of paper and accusations.

"Miss, Zoe's reading again."

"Zoe, put away the book please, and pay attention. The rest of you, concentrate on your work and - Hannah, put that phone away right now!"

Of course, most of the teachers don't care if I read during class, because at least it's educational and doesn't involve Facebook and Tumblr.

Within minutes I'm reading again. I understand everything the teacher is talking about. "Reading again, Zerd?"

To phrase it in the nicest way possible, Zerd is a nickname they use for me. Because of my name, Zoe, and the fact that I'm apparently a nerd, someone obviously useless and stupid combined them and came up with Zerd, which just frankly just sounds like a new type of Wonka sweet.

"Yes. Got a problem?" I say without turning around, even though she knows answering normally just makes it worse. But the girl just gives me a disdainful look and turns back to her barbie Facebook page. It's her life. She can fuck it up if she wants to.


"Head into the world, Zerd." Caitlyn snaps at me as I lean against my locker finishing a chapter.

"Shut up." I hiss under my breath. Thankfully, she doesn't hear me. She's a complete bitch and will go to any extent to publicly humiliate me. I would know, she's done it plenty of times before.

"Coming to lunch?" Eliza says, the nearest person I have to a friend.

"Nope." I say, gathering up a pile of books and my bag. "See you in Physics." She gives me a small smile before making her way off, Caitlyn joining her.

"Why do you even talk to her?" She says, loud enough so I can hear too. Eliza just shrugs. Oh well. At least she doesn't say anything bad about me.

Once they're out of sight I make my way to the music room. The music teacher, Mrs Heylan, loves me ever since I made a "prodigious composition" as my first project for her, and she doesn't care if I stay in during lunch. Facing the cafeteria would be... Unspeakable.

Mrs Heylan isn't actually there, so I just put my things down, closing the door behind me.

Sitting down at the piano, I play a couple of notes before lapsing into the most recent piece I've been practicing, Liszt Sonata in B minor. Apparently only piano prodigies can play it, and it's extremely hard. It's not that bad for me. Since I always learn music off by heart, I'm able to play everything I know so far.

My parents were pretty much amazed when I sat down at the piano in our library and starting playing this. They're both very musical people so they recognized the piece. Now they're insane over putting me in competitions and "not wasting my talent".

I would like to, but if anyone from school found out it would be torture. I know I've only got one year left, but it would make that last year unbearable.

Sighing softly, I grab my new, unedited edition of To Kill A Mockingbird, sitting down in an armchair in the corner of the room, away from the door so if anyone leans in they won't see me. It's always better that way. Keep your head down, and try to never be noticed.

A/N - I know there are hideous amounts of books about bullying out there, and I'm not trying to reinvent anything, but I'd like a chance with this. I've got this book, and the sequel, so I'll be posting every couple of days. Most chapters are pre-edited, but they will go through harsh editing at some point again. Feedback, critical or positive, is appreciated. 

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