Interlude No. 2

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Between Caleb Henderson, Luke Nealton, Nate Stone, Cailtyn Nealton, Ashley Green

Luke Nealton ~ 18:14

Is the Zerd hooking up with the frenchie?

Caitlyn Nealton ~ 18:14

She better fucking not.

Nate Stone ~ 18:14

I doubt he likes her, Kate, don't worry.

Caleb Henderson ~ 18:15

He doesn't speak any English, I don't know what you see in him.

Ashley Green ~ 18:15

He is so good looking.

Caleb Henderson ~ 18:16

This is why we don't let girls into our group chats, NATE.

Nate Stone ~ 18:16

Are you sure you don't think so yourself, Caleb?

Luke Nealton ~ 18:16

Are you two serious?

Ashley Green ~ 18:16

Last thing Caitlyn needs is more competition.

Caitlyn Nealton ~ 18:17


Caleb Henderson ~ 18:17


Ashley Green ~ 18:17

I'm out of here. I don't see why everyone is crushing on Jean.

Ashley Green has left the conversation.

Caleb Henderson ~ 18:17

I swear, I am going to kill her.

Caitlyn Nealton ~ 18:18

I am going to kill the Zerd if she doesn't get her filthy hands off Jean.

Luke Nealton ~ 18:18

You can't blame her. She probably hasn't spoken to a guy in her life.

Caleb Henderson ~ 18:19

I don't like the frenchie. Note that.

Caleb Henderson has left the conversation.

Luke Nealton ~ 18:19

Why the hell is everyone leaving? And Kate, don't worry. We won't let her get too close to Jean. She won't dare even speak to him.

Caitlyn Nealton ~ 18:19

I wish I'd taken those french lessons. It's such a sexy language.

Nate Stone ~ 18:20

Yeah, he seems like a nice guy. You wouldn't want him being infected.

Caitlyn Nealton ~ 18:20

Please make sure he doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

Luke Nealton ~ 18:20

He won't, Kate, I promise.

Nate Stone ~ 18:21

Yeah, he won't. We won't let her win. Not now, not ever. 

A/N - So, here you go. Another interlude. After this there will be some more #zean action (this is for you, Bosya) and maybe a little more #jaitlyn . Favourite ship so far? I'm so excited because this book is so close to 1k! Thanks to all my readers. I'll be updating on Thursday.

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