Chapter 6 - Present For You

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This chapter is dedicated to Polllardii for providing a lot of feedback and being very kind... I'm glad you're enjoying, because I definitely enjoyed reading your books! 

No. Not these. Not these either. Nope. These are too thick. These don't go with my prescription. I've already owned these.

God, finding glasses is difficult. No matter how many times I go through it, I never seem to learn how to sift through them quickly. I wish I was just a wizard from Harry Potter and could do 'occulus reparo' and that's that. I actually like the ones I owned, but I've been told they're beyond repair.

I've already seen people from my school in here and it makes me even more nervous. Finally I just settle with some black framed ones which look quite modern and trendy. I'll probably get insulted for even daring to wear them, but they look quite nice.

"Is that Zerd in there?" I hear someone I don't even know ask as I finish paying for the glasses and make my way out of the shop.

"Yeah, I think it is."

"She's such a fail, buying new glasses every week to try to look cool."

I try to ignore them, walking straight past them. As soon as I turn the corner I speed up, wanting out of the shopping center as quick as possible.

Sadly, I've been spotted. Just as I reach the doors, my way is blocked. I look up at Luke, Caleb and Caitlyn. SHIT.

"Buying new glasses again Zerd?" Luke exclaims, feigning surprise. I roll my eyes, absent mindedly pushing my old, broken ones further up my nose.

"Yep. And now I'm leaving. Bye." I say, sneaking a look at Caitlyn as I try to push past them. Her hair has been cut just below her shoulders, making it look beyond weird. I snort without meaning to and she glares at me. "Aw, come on, you can't blame me for the fact your hairdresser was obviously high, drunk or just out to get you." I say, holding back my laughter. Her glare intensifies.

"Well, it's not her fault you decided to tip the sodium into the water and then run away."

So now I tipped it into the water. Aha.

"It was you, you idiot. You're just too proud to admit that."

"As if I would do something like that to Kate." Luke says. "Get the fuck out of here, Zerd."

"Don't worry, I shall never darken this mall's doorstep with my presence again." I mutter before pushing past them, practically running out of there. So, never going back there. And I've gotten through about five malls already.


Monday morning, as Friday, there's a weird atmosphere. Something in the air. I hand out the work I did over the weekend before going to my locker. There are sniggers as I open it, and there seems to be a kind of motion... a buzz, coming from it.

I shake all the weird feelings off, and pull it open. There's a loud shout and the whole corridor erupts into laughter, and people start pounding away, down the corridor with shouts and laughs. I only have time to scream before a whole hive of wasps attacks me. I am so not surviving this.

There's shouts and skids around me as a teacher finds out and runs for aid - I sink to the floor, trying to swat away the wasps which only ends in more bites. No one comes to help me until a few teachers arrive. Someone pours what feels like water and soap over me.

I can't see. My face is swollen and it's hard to breathe at the moment - my head feels like it's being crushed together with two enormous pieces of iron and I can barely keep my eyes open.

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