make up stains

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Connie returned home she had finished 2 hours later than she should have done but she was talking to Charlie for ages before tidying herself up to remove the evidence of blood shoot eyes and makeup stains before driving home to pick up Sarah from the child minders .
Connie arrive home at 12:45 she had a sleepy Sarah who had fallen asleep again in the car so connie picked her up and carried her upstairs to her bedroom before placing her peacefully in her bed . Connie made her way to her own bedroom before going to bed .

Morning rose it was the same routine just a different day . Connie had made Sarah and herself toast and a hot chocolate. Sarah came down the stairs and into the kitchen . "Morning mum " "morning darling sleep well ? " "yes , you ? " "fine" before tucking into her breakfast they ate and drank in silence .  After breakfast Sarah ran up stairs to get her bag and brush her teeth . "Sarah if you're going upstairs can you get my phone off charge in my bedroom " "okay mum "
As Sarah took connies phone off she noticed that she had a message from Charlie have you told him we will fight it together thinking off you let me know once you have . C xx Sarah wondered what was going on he must o been talking about her and Jacob but what must Charlie been going on about telling him what to fight together ? None of this made any sense to Sarah . Sarah picked up her Bag and came downstairs . "Mum you have a text " she called as she saw her mum putting the cups and plates into the dishwasher . "Who from?" "Charlie " "give it here please " Sarah handed her phone over.  Connie looked she realised what he was going on about panicking if Sarah had seen the message she asked her "did you read this  " Sarah shook her head "no why " Connie arched her eyebrow "no why it's work " "yes Sarah it is work ... You read it didn't you ? Tell me the truth Sarah ? " Sarah reluctantly nodded "what's happened ? Is it about Jacob and you ? " Connie signed she had to make something up "no darling not at all just my boss is being nasty . Charlie is joking saying that we will face him together I need to tell him some stuff about results he won't like "
"Oh okay " Connie picked up her keys and made her way to the door with Sarah behind . The journey was in total always silence . "Bye love have a good day " "you too at work " she kissed her forehead before Sarah was merged at the school gate by her friends .

Connie walked into work " Charlie , a word in my office " she said as she passed him at reception . She took off her coat and put her bag down before sorting papers and turning her laptop on . "Sarah read that message !" "Sorry " "not your fault anyway no I haven't spoken to him he won't look at me I'm scared to tell him " tears were threatening to fall bravely holding them back . She adjusted herself . "What are we going to do how can I tell him that I'm loosing my memory day by day I won't even remember you , Sarah , him ... It's uncurable tablets only will stop the progression of it . " "oh Connie come here " he lent over and hugged her tightly .

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