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*buzz buzz* graces phone bleeped she was a light sleeper so she woke up immediately she didn't realise that she had fallen asleep and definitely hadn't meant to in hope that Jacob would return a text . She turned over and faced her phone before opening it up . Her face lit up immediately she jumped out of bed and put her slippers on before grabbing her dressing gown and phone to carry on reading the message probably because before she read the first line and got over excited after seeing that he would .

She sat on the sofa facing the back of the sofa and opened the curtains as the sofa backed into the window where you could see the road as Connie lived in a small close with only 5 massive houses in the close . Sarah re read the message for the 3rd time .
Yes , I'll be there just leaving work now will be about 20 mins.

Don't be cross you have done the right thing of Cource I will look out for you if your worried about your mum . Stay calm all will be fine . I believe I know the reason why but I will explain it to you when i arrive .

See you in a bit Jacob X

Sarah waited patiently looking aimlessly into the dormant street nothing moved there was no main road so no noise so when he did come you wouldn't be able to see him and her him as there were no other cars to compete with as well as see his headlights .

25 minuets later Sarah could see car headlights appearing so ran to unlock the front door she stood there as she saw Jacob turning off his ignition and open his front door.  Grace took a deep breath before saying as fast as she could "sorry Jacob I didn't know who else to phone as most people would be asleep at this time and I figured that you were close please don't be mad I am really worried she has been crying a lot for no reason she doesn't know that I know that she is doing this but I need to find out why " "calm down Sarah . It's fine . Seriously . I'm glad you called me " he said as he walked in the house taking off his coat an putting it on the coat stand as Sarah locked up the front door he took off his front shoes before following Sarah up stairs and sitting on her bed with her . As they passed connies room they heard snivelling sounds "see what I mean she is like this a lot I don't know what to do " "how long has she been doing this for ? " "I don't know a long time but more recently since like ... 3 weeks ago she has been crying loads " Jacobs memory rewound that it was round 3 week ago on Wednesday that they had kissed and he had told her that he didn't want to see her again his heart sank it was his fault and he never knew u til now how much he was hurting Connie . "I'll go and see if she's okay you go and get some sleep and I promise you that I will sort it " he gave her a pinky promise and switched off her light before closing the door behind him.

gradually pushing connies door open he saw her curled up in a ball she was crying in her sleep before slowing undressing to his boxers he climbed in next to her "oh Connie I am deeply sorry ... I still love you baby " he gently kissed her for head before wiping her tears and wrapping an arm around her waist .

Connie woke to the sound of her alarm going off it was that time again . "God " she said as she jumped out of bed realising that she had overslept as Sarah schools started in 20 minuets . "Sarah are you dressed  ?" She shouted as she opened her bedroom door and walked out across the landing after hearing noises from downstairs . After no reply she shouted again "Sarah are you dressed !" She was already dressed as she had flown some clothes on curling her hair . She turned her curlers off before rushing downstairs "Sarah Alicia Beaucha-" she stopped as she clocked Jacob stood at the bottom of the stairs with Sarah holding her school bag "what are you doing here !"  "Morning to you as well sweet checks " her heart melted he had never once called her sweetcheecks even when they were together and we're having a rough time and it was near the end of the relation ship never since then had he called her that. "Sarah get in the car!" "No Sarah mine here you go " with that he gave Sarah his keys "what are you doing here Jacob who let you in why are you here " "all will be explained later but let me drop Sarah to school first or she will be late  " with that he stormed out of the house slamming the door Connie was gobsmacked and still couldn't get her head around it on why he was there who had let him in why! None of it had made any sense what so ever in her head . Making herself a coffee and turning on her laptop to check emails and quickly fill in the work from last night that she should of done but didn't as she was to tired .

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