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We are all so desperately in the want of being understood , we forget to be understanding.
Quite a hypocrisy, but its true. At least to me.

Now I think of it we're all a little lost, without even knowing it.

Think its all sorted , when all you do is ,somehow skip seeing the flaws. Not that there is anything wrong with it. In fact , it is one of the best errors you can ever make : Not neglecting , not ignoring but simply not being able to see the side you don't like.

But when someone points it out, the realization just hits you and you're like "Damn ! Am I so naïve ?"

The answer is :

Nope you aren't. Opinions vary.


"Opinions vary " comes under one of my most used phrases. If you ask Cardboard , I think I tell him this every time we come across a difference between the two of us. It is the wisest and wittiest phrase for coming to terms with out individualities

" I don't like potatoes. They're so tasteless." I would hardly eat vegetarian food if potatoes weren't there.

Opinions vary.

" I don't like using Facebook." Whoa....changes ! Because I like Facebook a lot more now.

Opinions vary.

"If you did not expect something like this from me earlier ,you should from now. After all variety is the spice of life." No thanks. I'm very selective about variety. If not for what I like , I'd have none at all.

Because darling, opinions fucking vary.

I don't like people judging me , I try not to do it myself. But that doesn't mean I don't have ridiculously biased opinions about a few people. I do.

And from my perspective , it is even justified.

Like take this guy Mercedes , I don't know him personally. I know him through Milee but I wouldn't mind throwing him in an isolated cave in Honolulu. That ass would deserve every bit of it.

But that again it is my personal view on something he said , and that makes it his opinion.

There's this constant fight between pointing others about how they are hypocrites and in the end realizing I'm one if them too.

I want Mercedes not to judge my friend , but in turn I AM judging him.

Does that make me any less of an Asshole.

I want people to listen to everything I say , and respond to that. I think I listen to what they have to say too , but maybe I don't really.

I now know its just not me , or my mom, or my friends. Its literally all of us.

I don't like someone else pointing my faults , but I do want them to be absolutely honest about what they think of me.

It is not that we think we are perfect. Or we want others to lie and tell us we are. What we want is, for the other person to genuinely believe the fact that we have no quality worth complaining.

We are all so stuck with expressing ourselves well enough that the other person totally relates , totally understands , agrees to us and thinks that we are right. We try so hard to convey are emotions in all our tangled ways so we can experience our bits of relief ,the relief of being able to express. The relief of being understood.

While on the other hand, we aren't even half as bothered about what the other person has to say. 

I'm not saying you don't listen to others and go on blabbering your own thing. You do hear then out , throw in a few advises here and there, but do you think of their ideals and morals are as valued as yours ?

If no, then you should because they are.*

Only there's a little addition to the sentence.

Their views are equally as fresh, as amazing, as valuable as yours.

*From an unbiased , non-opinionated and un- prejudiced perspective

Ideally , that is how you should think. From the bottom of your heart. The only way to escape being in the constant circle of hypocrisy.

But there's a catch !

Crazy part is, We are human beings.

Our brain works to be biased towards ourselves , towards the thoughts we agree to and towards our natural preferences.

We aren't designed to exhibit the IDEAL behavior.

And it is totally okay.

We are not physics numericals, where we are ideal strings : Weightless and Massless, ideal machines : frictionless with 100% work output.

We are only people , people with flaws and imperfections. People with an undescribable amount of beauty we hold in the way we think, we behavior and we express.

And coming to terms with this simple fact is an amazing experience.


Posted on : 22nd January'16

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2016 ⏰

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