Sup, its is I, the author. So I don't have a place other than here to rant about things. I'm really pissed right now. So I have always wanted a tattoo. They are cool and I want something meaningful. So I decided to ask my mom about her view on tattoos. I was going to tell her I have always wanted one but I wanted yo know how she felt about them first. So o asked and she said, "I don't believe in them." I didn't really understand what she meant exactly so I asked what she meant. "She said because I don't like them." So I asked,"So you don't like the idea of tattoos forever on someone?" So I was waiting for an answer and I got one I absolutely hated. "That and the bible said it's a sin." MAJOR FACEPALM. I am personally an Atheist or non religious. So I really don't like the bible bullshit that she just pulled. So I said,"So what if I wanted a tattoo?" I do really want one. I want maybe a band symbol on my wrist or maybe some lyrics that inspire me. So my mom said,"I won't let you get one. Same with the whole hair deal. I won't let you get your hair cut like that." As you might know, I wanted my hair cut like Gerard Ways party poison look. She wouldn't let me and I was pretty mad but dealt with it. So I said "What about when I'm 18 and can do what I want to my body?" She looked at me and frowned. "I said no. You are not getting a tattoo." I was extremely pissed. If I am 18, I will get a tattoo if I want to. I am not a Christian so I won't consider myself a sinner. I am not trying to offend my Religious readers at all, it is just how I feel and what I believe. But tattoos aren't a bad thing. They give us the opportunity to express ourselves. That is the hard part about my family. They are all religious, minus my dad he is christian but not hardcore like my family, and it's hard to express myself. I'm only a teenager, a young one at that, so I can't find a way to be happy when I'm tied down. I can't express myself because every time I try, I'm shot down. I always wanted snakebite piercing and my dad would more than likely be OK with it and want me to wait until I'm older but not now, but when I'm older he won't care. But all hell breaks if I tell my mom I want snakebites. I don't like bright colors and she makes me wear pink. Fucking pink. I hate the color pink! She makes me look girly when I want to wear dark colors and band stuff. It's like everyone is OK with me being me but my mom holds me down. My dad would let me be myself but in a marriage you have to agree and my dads hands are tied. Don't get me wrong, I love my mom but sometimes she really pisses me off. I don't let it show and I will act like it's OK but really it eats me alive. It makes me sick with the fact I can't be myself around people. If my parents (really only my mom) weren't religious I would be comfortable to be myself. I would be comfortable to tell them I'm bisexual, that I'm not girly and I want to be my dark self. And that I'm a cusser that puts a sailor to shame. From where I hide my true self, I hide it from my friends. They think I'm emo, only more bubbly and happy. But I'm not. If I could be myself they would think I'm a totally different person. All this because I can't be myself. Again, I love my mom but god damn it angers me so much. This was just a rant that I needed to say.