The Dearly Departed

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[October 21 - Student parking lot]
Reporters flooded the school. They bathed it in a sea of lies. Some of the students saying Morgan had few enemies. Others would say that she had more than a few. Still, the public eye wasn't directed at Morgan specifically, it was focused on Angela. Stephen and Emily ran around asking "where's Angela? Have you spoken with her?" Angela had lost her best friend, her sister. People assumed they wouldn't see her for days as she fell into a severe state of depression.

[3rd period]
Stephen: "I hope Angela's ok."
Jason: "I'm sure she's far from ok."
[They hear a loud knock]
Mr. Henderson: "I'll get it."
[In silence, everyone waits to see]

It was Angela's mother. She came dressed similar to her daughter with her blonde hair curled and blue jeans that naturally fit her long legs. Angela Mindel's mom was most definitely the momma bear. She looked across the room and screamed "where is he?" "Where's the bastard that killed her!" She jumped across the room and attacked Jason. Why it was Jason, no one will ever know but she tried her best to rip him limb from limb.

[Angela runs in]
-"Mom let's go."
Mrs. Mindel: " [breaks into tears] I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm so sorry."

So much had happened in one night that no one could comprehend or deal with Morgan and Lilith's deaths. Two victims in two days. Most tried to cope but Angela didn't handle it well. She looked like a ghost, as if she had lost her inner light. Perhaps, Morgan inspired her sense of expression, she was no longer jaunty, she was Angela Mindel, a title more so than a composition. After the altercation and once Angela's mother had left, Jason got back onto his feet and wiped the blood off of his busted lip. He grabbed a handkerchief from his backpack and remained silent for the rest of the period.

Kristal: "Are you ok?"
Jason: [Silent]
Emily: "Jason?"
Jason: [Silent]

Jason retreated. Without Morgan and Lilith, the room felt small; lacking. Stephen had beforehand glanced at Morgan's usual seat and started sobbing. He saw her sitting there and after the emotional outburst he went back into his head. He had gotten an epiphany.

Stephen: " [whispers into Emily's ear] I know what we can do!"
Emily: "I honestly don't think we can do anything at this point."
Stephen: "One word for you 'psychic' -we'll go see a medium!"
Emily: "And what, we'll talk to Morgan and Lilith, crack out the ouija board, call the spirits, get real Stephen we have to be serious. There's still a murderer on the loose!"
[Stephen stood up broad]
-"Ok I really need everyone's support, meet me after school, at 5 o'clock right next to the Burger Palace."
Mike: "For what?"
Stephen: "You'll see."
Kristal: "I'll try."
Stephen: "Please?"

[4:45 P.M. - Burger Palace]
Stephen paces around outside waiting, he notices it's five minutes till. Still no one's arrived. He goes through thoughts of abandonment and betrayal. His friends didn't make a promise but he still expected an unspoken promise to be kept. After forty-five minutes of waiting, he gave up and decided to go alone. He wondered how he would ask the psychic for help. He couldn't just say "hey, I got some dead friends could you call em' up for me?" No, he anticipated what he would say.

[He enters the shop, filled with mystic symbols and signs promising supernatural aid]
Stephen notices an old crone, she wore a long, silk red dress and looked at him with the most piercing eyes. He looks away and says,"are you the psychic?"

-She replies, "yes and you're Samuel."
Stephen: "You mean, Stephen."
-The woman snaps back, "close enough!" She shutters back, "you've come with questions?"
Stephen: "Yea, I've got money too so you don't worry about that."
-She raises her eyebrow, "good, come to my table."

The gypsy woman takes Stephen's hands and asks him, "whom do you seek?" He's quiet. "WHOM DO YOU SEEK!" Jittered, Stephen yells out, "Lilith and Morgan!" The psychic relaxes her entire body, head to toe, and lifts her head, opening her mouth.
-" [Lilith's Voice] Help me Stephen!"
Stephen: "How? How do I help you?"
-"[Morgan's Voice] Fucking Stephen, you would go to a psychic. The killer is closer than you think!"
[The psychic gains back posture and looks lost]
Stephen: "I can't stay here!"
[He runs out trembling]

Walking through the streets he questioned the spirit's warning. "The killer is closer than you think! What does that mean?" He searched the streets looking for his car but stops and notices the broken fence and the two memorials that now live in the student parking lot. He walks towards the flikering lights and gazes at each candle. Asking Morgan's memorial, "what did you mean?" He hears footsteps. Stephen can't run, he's still shaking in fear. He sees a figure come out of the darkness. It was Sage.

Stephen: "Why are you here?"
Sage: "I could ask you the same question, Stephen."
[A clatter of multiple footsteps are heard]
Stephen: "Emily, Mike, Jason, Kristal what are you all doing here?"
Emily: "I guess we'd lost track of time and came too late, you were gone so we decided to visit here."
Stephen: "Well I went to the psychic and-"
Kristal: "Wait what? Why would go anywhere by yourself?"
Stephen: "Let me finish, I've learned that not a single one of us can be trusted!"

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