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[October 26 - 6:00 a.m. - Angela's room]
Angela gave Morgan her bed for the night while she slept on her bedroom floor. She eased into a cold morning after a long, sleepless night. She found herself gazing at Morgan all night; awed by the revived corpse lying before her. Angela didn't know what to do with Morgan. She was the only real family she had left. Angela would have to comfort, protect, and nurture the poor creature. Morgan was unnatural, the only person known to Angela who was given a second chance in life. After her morning routine, Angela cared for Morgan and fed her a meal of buttered toast, scrambled aggs, and crispy- cooked bacon. Morgan ate like an animal. She ruined a perfectly good bed sheet and licked an empty plate clean. Angela decided to lock Morgan in her room, "just in case." She left and drove to school.
[Angela arrives seeing Emily and Sage waiting for her]
-"How is she?"
-"Did she say anything?"
Angela: "She slept through the night and ate like a pig."
Sage: "Do you think we can fix her?"
Emily: "No, Stephen said these are the consequences of our spell."
Angela: "Consequences... Bullshit. This is a punishment. I just really need to consider what I'm going to do with her."

[Angela's 5th period]
Mrs. Augur used to be Morgan's fifth period teacher and is currently Angela's. By the end of the period, the english teacher wanted to speak with Angela personally.
Mrs. Augur: "How are you holding up?"
Angela: "I'm holding."
Mrs. Augur: "You know I had lost a friend in high school also, did I tell you about this?"
Angela: "No."
Mrs. Augur: "It was my junior year, she wasn't my bestfriend but we were close and I remember asking God why she had to leave this world, leave us at such a young age, never being able to return. Do you feel the same way?"
Angela: "Uh, I used to but now I've gained a new perspective."
Mrs. Augur: "Well remember this: 'thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die'."
Angela: "Umm, ok, thanks Mrs. Augur."

[6:00 p.m.- Angela's room]
Angela went back home to find that Morgan went through her room piece by piece. The closet had been cleared entirely. Everything sat on the floor, including the mattress that had been torn a part by Morgan's bare hands. She looked at her friend's palms and saw that they were covered in blood after she cut her hands with the wire springs that kept the mattress whole.

Angela: "Did you do this?"
[Morgan hides her face]
-"Well I guess I can forgive you this time, but come on let's clean you up before you drop more blood on my floor."

Angela ran a bath. The calm, warm waters soothed Morgan and kept her from wreaking more havoc. She first undressed and then helped Morgan into the water. After a few minutes, she let Morgan out and gave her a fresh new set of clothes.
[Angela wraps Morgan's hands in bandages]
-"I think you should help me help you, I see so much pain that you still carry and all I think I can do is try to mend it."

She finished the last bandage. Angela looked down at the floor and saw her phone charger that had been ripped out of the wall. It was divine intervention, all that lives must die, and she decided to play God once more. She wrapped the cord in her hand and gently wrapped it around Morgan's throat. She quickly tightened the cord and cut off the girl's air supply. Morgan struggled but didn't put up much of fight, she slid into death as if she were sound asleep.

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