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[October 24th - Jason's room]
Jason found himself trapped in a desolate room. He was held within four grey walls. There were no doors and only one window that opened to a starless night's sky. He was alone and left with only his thoughts to comfort him. But they didn't comfort him. He began to hear "I.." The sound grew closer in the distance, it was heard again, "I..." He trembled because the voice sounded inhuman. Feeling helpless, he threw himself againast a wall. He yelled at the top of his lungs, "Not there! You're not real!" In confidence, he closed his eyes and turned around in a clockwise motion; believing that he would some how awake from this nightmare. He stopped and opened his eyes and there she was; Morgan's rotting corpse stood before him. Her throat was still slit with the blood flowing freely from her neck's wound. She was lifeless yet at the same time she was animated; her limbs made unsteady movements. She fell to the floor and Jason hesistated to catch her. There was no emotion between them as he couldn't stand to see her haunting appearence. She turned to him from the ground and looked as if she had something to say.
[Morgan picks up her head]
"I am a spirit thats dwells between the worlds... I will.. I will have vengeance!"
[Jason wakes up heated and disheveled]
This dream remained in Jason's thoughts for the rest of the day. Morgan might have been haunting him, trying to send him a message. "Does she haunt me?" In reality, his conscious mind could have been wearing away at him. "Should I talk to them about it?" He believed that revealing this piece of information to his friends would banish her from his dreams, leaving her to wander and leaving him unharmed.

[3rd Period]
Mr. Henderson: "Jason Muhammad?"
Jason: "Here."
As the class role-call continued, Jason welcomed his friends into his personal space for the first time in days. After Lilith's death, he had become reserved, he tried to cut all emotional ties with those alive. Going against his morality, Jason urged Sage, Emily, Stephen, Angela, and Mike to sit near him. They faced eachother in a circle, each realizing that they sat next to a walking corpse, a meatsac that was only breathing for the time being.
Angela: "Everyone needs to make a choice! Kristal made hers, we can do the same!"
Jason: "At this point, we have no choice in the matter. We can only try to change things."
Emily: "What did you have to tell us?"
Jason: "Well, you guys just have to keep open minds and bare with me here."
Stephen: "Who here has a closed mind?"
Emily: "No one. What is it Jason?"
Jason: "I had a dream last night about Morgan and the night before that too. I honestly don't know what to think. I swear the look on her face won't leave my mind."
Stephen: "Did she say anything?"
Jason: "I can't remember but it was something about being between worlds."
Angela: "Can we please just stop, Morgan's dead, she's gone."
Jason: "Alright, I'm sorry."
[Stephen whispers to Emily]
"Maybe this is a sign."
Emily: "What kind of sign?"
Stephen: "That we need to resort to you know what."

[5:00 p.m. - After hours]
Jason decided to check out a book from the library on the meanings of dreams. He had sat in rehearsal paying no attention to the world around him. He had checked out a book labled The Interpretation of Dreams by Sigmund Freud. His dreams were disturbing, unsettling in nature but it wasn't what he had been looking for. Freud interpreted the reasoning but ignored all superstition. Jason had been alone after rehearsals and was still trapped in his mind trying to make sense of recent events. He walked towards his car staring at the four grey doors that shifted his thoughts back into the room that only his dreams had brought about. He imagined Morgan in the parking lot. She would reach out her hand to him as if to warn him of what's soon to come. [Clack] He's knocked out of his daze after a blunt force bashed him in the head. He turned around to see his opposer. "I won't go on," he yelled as he lied on the ground next to a familiar shadow.

[8:15 p.m. - Phone rings]
Emily: "Hello?"
Stephen: "I need you to put Angela, Jason, Sage, and Mike on the line."
Emily: "Ok, what are you going to say?"
Stephen: "You'll see."
Mike: "Hello?"
Sage: "What?"
Angela: "Oh God, what now?"
Stephen: "Is Jason on the line?"
Emily: "No."
Stephen: "Fine, anyways, I found this book in the library and it gives instructions for a spell of resurrection."
Angela: "What? No!"
Mike: "I hope you find God, Stephen."
Emily: "Haha! Mike said your ass needs Jesus Stephen!"
Sage: "He's lost it."
Stephen: "I'm serious you guys! This may be our only chance to find the killer, Morgan can tell us."
Emily: "And what about Lilith and Kristal?"
Stephen: "I believe Morgan has the strongest spirit between the three and in order for it to work, they have to actually want to come back; we don't know what Lily wants and Kristal was suicidal, she didn't want to live."
Emily: "I'm in."
Angela: " [sighs] If it brings back Morgan... I guess."
Mike: "Huh, I'll do this for Lilith because she didn't deserve what happened to her."
Sage: "No. Never. Goodnight."
[Sage hangs up]
Stephen: "We'll meet up tomorrow, 7 o'clock, I need something from each of you."
All: "What?"
Stephen: "I need each of you to bring one black candle and an item with personal meaning."

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