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[October 19 ]
Lilith: "Kristal! Do you have the umm, what's it called?"
Kristal: "The cast list?"
Lilith: "Yea, that stupid thingy!"
Kristal: "Let me check in my bag. Wait, you're still playing the third witch right?"
Lilith: "I think so but I might have Morgan play it since she doesn't have a role."

Macbeth had been a major debut for them. It was the first Shakespearean play that the drama board would perform and the dialogue would use a new form of diction and phrasing. Opening night would be in eleven days and Lilith would often cry from the stress a stage manager is put under. The cast wouldn't listen. Lilith would scream, "guys settle down!" The cast wouldn't comply. They would reply, "stick it up your ass Lily!" Comment after remark, backtalk after command; the mass had no respect for Lilith, she was only a friend.

[2nd period]
Mr. Henderson: "I want you guys to take a minute and listen to Lilith, she has some new information for Macbeth and I believe a new cast list."
Lilith: "Ok you guys, I've made a couple changes. So from here on, the witches will remain the same."
Morgan: "What? But I thought I..."
Lilith: "That's why it's called changes Morgan. Sage will now play Macbeth instead of Mike, who hasn't made the effort to learn his lines. Jason will continue as Macduff and Stephen will now be Malcom."
[Morgan lets out a deep breath]
"I would kill you if I had the chance Lilith, you knew I wanted that role!"
Lilith: "Morgan, settle down!"
Morgan: "Ok, I'm done. Why am I even taking this fucking class when I can't even play a witch?"
Lilith: "Anyways, remember rehearsal is from 4 to 5:30 today."

[4:00 - Rehearsal]
The cast arrived early as usual, one of the small tasks that they would often acheive. They waited outside until the theatre conservatory would open. Everyone would laugh and enjoy themselves, except for Lilith; she took her job seriously and this would be defined in her words more so than her actions. She spoke in annoyance. She told the cast to be quite, to be respectful but she still couldn't pull in their attention. Lilith would constantly search for their regard.

[Theatre conservatory]
"Enough talking! Everyone get into costume for scene one of act one!"
Emily: "Once again, stick it up your ass Lily!"
[Stephen laughs]
-"Lily has no ass."
Lilith: "We're getting off topic! Let's go. Scene one."
Kristal: "When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or..."
Emily: "What are you saying?"
Kristal: "My lines. I play the first witch remember?"
Stephen: "Just because she's Lily's little angel."
Lilith: " [sighs] If all we're going to do is argue and bicker then why are any of you here?"
Morgan: "You're right, why am I here?"
Lilith: "Then leave!"
Morgan: "Fine by me."
[Morgan leaves. The cast follows behind her.]

Lilith was left alone, for so she thought. Mr. Henderson left her to clean the set, starting with the stage floor. The floor was covered in gum wrappers, discarded homework papers, and spills of color from the paint crew. She looked to the ground beneath her and saw these combinations of red and black paint, the colors brought emotion to her silence. As she filled with rage, Lilith saw the faces of the eight malefactors. She yelled out, "no more tears!" The echo of her voice proved that she was truly alone. Did her voice matter? No one could hear it regardless of what she was saying. And what she saw was depraved. The paint made its way to her feet. She would think "maybe it's Emily's blood." Lilith imagined the deaths of each of her peers. Morgan would have a slow death; choke on her own bile or even drown in a lake. Angela burned to death attached to a wooden pole, bathed in gasoline with a match thrown to her feet. Kristal would bleed on to the floor after finding her intestines slashed out of her body. Sage, Jason, and Mike would go through a series of bashes to the head after Lilith would bludgeon each of them over and over with a sledgehammer. Stephen would be castrated and left to bleed alongside Emily's lifeless corpse. But none of this happened. This figment of Lilith's desires led her to believe that she had no moral compass. Still, she regretted ever wishing that it would happen. She decided to leave the set and wait in the school parking lot for her ride home.

[School parking lot]
Lilith stood in the center of the lot looking for a Ford Flex; her sister's car.
Lilith: "Where the hell is she? [shivers] It's so cold."
[Foot steps are heard]
-"Kristal, is that you? I really need to talk to you, today's been..I don't know, very stressful."

Suddenly, something slid under Lilith's foot. It was windy and it looked to be one of the discarded homework papers flowing in the wind. She looked at this white piece of paper that had actually been a note entitled, Lilith Moon. She ripped the enclosed paper open and read:
"Hello Lilith, I'm proud to say that you will be the first of many. Many who are dispensable in this world to you and I. I've grown to be much of a predator and I've decided it's time to take a course of action. Allow me to rephrase that, we will now take a course of action. I cannot say I am sorry for my actions, you will get what you truly deserve. Soon your grave will entitle Lilith Moon: daughter and friend."
Lilith felt the fear in her heart. She couldn't let out a deep breath because these words had taken away her breath. She couldn't move. In this instance, the footsteps that had stopped started to clatter again. She turned around to see who would be walking, no one. Finally, she decided to leave but then a figure came closer, she heard a tool of some sort [clamp]. The figure whispered, "did you read my letter Lilith?" She tries to run but cannot move. Lilith was so frozen in fear that she fell to the floor almost bowing down to the grimreaper. It was the murderer who carried a pair of pliers. Taking a hold of Lilith's mouth, the murderer started to remove each of her teeth. Lilith screamed "no, please, no!" After finishing with four of her front teeth, the killer was tempted to move to the molars next but instead Lilith's eyes looked very pretty in the moonlight. Her eyes were plucked out as a souvenir of the event. The killer left her as a toothless, sightless corpse. In the background, a female voice is heard. The killer left.
Kristal: "Lily!"

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