Move in Day

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After a fitful night of sleep I woke up and my first thought was today my life is going to change forever.

I went out and got some breakfast then my little brother came out and asked "how are you feeling?"

"Well for someone who and about to basically start a new life not half bad" and I teasingly added, "at least I won't have to deal with you every day"

"You know I really appreciate you doing this so that I can stay with grandma, with family. I know it has to be hard and I admire what you are doing."

"No big deal."

"Yes big deal. Thank you; I will never be able to show my gratitude."

"I didn't really know how to respond so I just gave him a hug and told him he better start getting ready if he wanted to come and drop me off.

A few moments later my grandmother came in and said, "I just put the last of your stuff in the car Madison; it's time to go now."

We all got in the car and drove the 10 minutes it took to get to Henry and Martha's house which was right outside of town.

It was a very silent 10 minutes, well that was until we pulled up to their house.

"Woah this is where you get to live? It's basically a mansion. I change my mind I want to be adopted" declared my brother.

"Oh shut up would you" I said as I playfully smacked him on the head.

I really was huge though. There was a long driveway, a three car garage, two stories, lots of windows. It was gorgeous. I guess if this is where I was going to be living I didn't get off half bad.

My grandma and brother helped carry stuff in and then left right away despite Martha's offer for them to stay for lunch. She replied, "if we don't leave now we will probably never leave."

A lot of hugs and tears later I said goodbye and turned around to face my future.

"So welcome home" stated Martha. "Let me show you your room first and then I'll give you a tour of the whole house."

We headed up stairs while Martha said "we'll have Henry take care of moving most of your stuff up. You will pretty much have this whole floor to yourself. We don't really use it just had a couple of spare rooms for when family or friends came to visit. I especially reserved the biggest room to be yours."

With that we walked into a room that was at least half the size of my grandmother's whole house. There was very soft, white carpet on the floor and the walls were white as well. There was a bare queen sized bed, a bay window and a few dressers.

"Don't worry about the color. We will go shopping soon and you can paint the room whatever color you'd like" said Martha.

"Oh you don't have to do that I'll be fine with it like this" I replied.

"Oh nonsense. We want you to be as comfortable as possible which includes making your room exactly how you want it."

"Well thank you."

After checking out the massive walk in closet and bathroom with a jacuzzi tub we went on to explore the rest of the house.

There were two more bedrooms upstairs and a linen closest. On the first floor there was a quite impressive kitchen, a family room, a living room, a dining room, a bathroom, and the master suite and master bath. Then we went to the basement and I was really blown away. Almost a full gym with a plethora of workout equipment, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a home theater.

"Henry and I really want you to feel at home so whatever you have seen you have full access to use as you please."

"Well this house is gorgeous and I'm sure I will have no problem feeling at home here."

"I'm glad to hear you say that. Would you like to go up and have lunch?"

"I sure would."
Do you like it so far? Yes? No? Maybe? I would appreciate any comments you have. Thanks to everyone who has read this and please pass the story along if you have liked it and think other would like it. I'll try to get another up soon till then bye.

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