My Glimpse of Heaven

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Sanii's POV

"Oh god." All the memories of yesterday racing through my head. Is it possible my sister could be a witch? What is she doing to the pack? What about my parents? My heart begins to race as I feel the blood rushing to my head despite my upright position. Theo's eyes snapped open and looked at me with a worried expression.

"Sanii, your heart is beating a mile a minute. You have to calm down." He takes my hands in his, kissing and rubbing his thumb over them. I start to calm down and all of the emotions hit me.

Guilt, sadness, confusion, anger, scared, all happening at once.

I leaned into his chest and let out all my built up tears. He wrapped his muscular arms around my frame as i'm soaking his shirt with my tears. He shushed me while kissing my forehead and telling me it was going to be okay. I knew I acted tough but somewhere in my mind, I was uncertain.

Uncertainty scares me. It shows my weakness.

I never was sure how Nina and I became this way. As little pups, we always got along until my grandfather passed away. I was his angel and she ripped away my only glimpse of heaven. She poisoned him and made him sick for the last, slow 3 months of his life. I always knew that the day would come when I would call for him and he wouldn't be there but, the terrible feeling of waiting ate me alive. I always despised her for doing such a thing but, nonetheless, she was my sister.

I never told my parents. My mom never knew the real reason to how her father died. The guilt and shame that came with carrying the burden for my sister eats me alive but, nonetheless, she was my sister.

Her bratty attitude became a new issue in the last couple of months. Her eyes don't hold a form of innocence as they used to. They don't sparkle when she laughs because the only reason she smiles is at someone's misery. Her heart became cold and the rest of her mind followed. My sobs racked my body, hoping that is wasn't true.

The pictures of the dead bodies with the branding of her symbol that she used at the bottom of every picture she painted told me otherwise. It was a show only I could understand because I was the only one that saw those paintings. It's like she's targeting me.

"Nii, I want to know what you're thinking. It's okay to be confused or scared."

"I'm angry." Theo looked shocked. "I'm angry at the fact that my sister could even have a possibility at doing this to all of those people. But not matter how hard I want to hate her, I can't, she's my sister." I held onto his arms tighter, the shocks from our skin making contact calming me down and keep from having another panic attack.


"Bye!" I said to one of my friends as I left my high school. My red 2012 Jeep Liberty roared to life as I rocked my head back and forth to a song that was synced to my phone. The breeze was warm as I drove back home, thinking of what I was going to make for dinner for Nina and I. She was acting weird this morning but I figured that she had another depression spell.

I knew that Nina was diagnosed with depression when we were younger but it only came to light at times. She had some off days but after a while, she was back to her normal self. I always looked up to her for being so strong, even though she was my little sister. Finally, I get home and walk up the stairs. I found it oddly quiet but I didn't pay it any mind. I dropped my book bag off to my room and found a wrapped gift with a bow sitting on my bed. I instantly knew it was from Nina. I smiled and ripped open the wrapping paper.

There stood this beautiful painting of a symbol looking very similar to her signature surrounded in a circle. It was gorgeous and I walked to her room to thank her, but she wasn't there. I then remembered that my grandfather was here and knew she would be there. I walk to my grandfather's office and open the door, sitting the picture next to the door.

"Nina! I love your picture you left me o-" My breath got caught in my throat.

There stood my sister with a metal syringe injecting my grandfather with a green liquid. Tears formed in my eyes as I rushed over and threw her into the wall, the syringe flying with her. My grandfather slumped in his chair as his eyes rolled into his head. I cried for help but no one was home. It was just me and my sister. I called my mother tried to explain what happened but my tears blocked all my coherent words from forming.

"Honey, I'm coming home okay! Don't move!"

"M-mom please hur-r-ry."

I screamed once again and guards slammed the door open and gasped at the sight. The pack doctor was here shortly after that but I was too dazed to figure out was was going on around me. Nina looked at me, fake tears drowning her face and forced stutters mixed with her words. Raina spoke up in my mind for the first time that day.

"She should die."

"She did a horrible thing but she's our sister."

"She should die." she repeated sounding angrier by the second.

I ignored her and pushed her to the back of my mind, despite her protests. My mom barged in the room and sobs racked her body as she watched her father get wheeled out on a stretcher. He looked pale, paler than any werewolf should ever look. His hair slowly turned a slate gray as he disappeared from my site. I looked at Nina once again, her cold stare chilling my soul. Her eyes held a wicked sense of completion . A joker like smile played on her lips but, all of that was gone like the wind when my mom came over to us.

Her eyes turned back to the normal golden hues and she hugged my mom like her hands were innocent. Raina plunged herself back into my thoughts and spoke the same sentence once again.

"She should die."

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