Pain Nourishes Your Courage

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"Theo! Welcome big bro! And this must be Sanii!" I hold her close to me because I can feel her nervousness. She shyly waves at my sister but of course, she's not having it.

"Oh darling, don't tell me we have a shy girl in the family now!" I step in as Sanii's uneasiness grows, "Easy there Alana, like everyone, she needs some time to warm up to your loud personality." She playfully frowns and I ruffle her hair like old times. No matter how much time goes by, I can still see that 6 year old girl with the wild persona that used to get on my nerves. I walk into my sisters house, a 'home sweet home' feeling filling the air. Down the hallway are pictures of her mate and my niece lining the walls. Sanii stops for a second to look at them all and I stand along side her.

"They look so happy."

"Probably because my sister did something crazy."

"I see a lot of her in you." I raise my eyebrows as I lean slightly to see my sister jumping on the couch with my niece, her long red hair flying everywhere. "How do you see Alana in me?"

"You have your playful moments. When you are happy, your childish spirit shines through."

"Well to be honest, as a kid I ne-"

I look at the end of the hallway and see my dad staring at me. Sanii leans in closer to me and the sparks calm me down enough to be able to look him in the eye.

"Theo, what's going on? Is your dad okay?"

Explaining my father to her at this moment would be a lot to take in so, I nodded my head and kept her close. With my father in this state, he is very unpredictable and I couldn't risk Sanii getting hurt. His gaze bored into my eyes and it reminded me of a place that I refuse to revisit.

"You aren't afraid of him. He doesn't have that power over your life anymore," Beo says in my head.

The stare down continues before my mom walks by and sees us. She instantly sees the situation that is about to happen and she grabs Sanii from out of the hallway. At first glance, Sanii seemed very scared but, that disappeared after my mom lead her into the kitchen to talk.

"Your mate, just as the first time I met her, shes very pretty. I bet a raindrop hits her and she'll break like a toothpick."

"He's talking about our mate! Do something!" Beo yells

"I'm not angry, he doesn't have that power over my life anymore."

I took a deep breath and walked past him, hitting his shoulder in the process. His eyes shoot daggers that I'm all too familiar with before pulling me back into the hallway.

"That's no way to address your father."

"I know that. I'm not sure which one I'm addressing."

He loudly growled and I flinched. My ears were threatening to bleed from all the noise around me. In a second the entire house became quiet and all the attention was on us.

"Just like I remembered, pathetic. You shouldn't have that Alpha title. You don't deserve it."

I growled louder than I've ever have before and a steady stream of blood runs out my ears. "I'm a stronger Alpha than you will ever be. My pack his happier, stronger and more lively than it ever has been under your command. You will not talk about MY MATE LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN. I'M NOT A LITTLE KID ANYMORE AND YOU CAN'T CONTROL MY LIFE!"

Everyone stares wide eyed at the scene that just occurred. I look over at Sanii and she is instantly at my side helping me stable myself. I can feel my body swaying and the room start to spin from the loss of blood. My sister slings my arm over her shoulder so they could transfer me to the couch.

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