"Visible? Yea, I Know."

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Theo's POV

I wake up to me the feeling of a wet pillow and an empty bed. I begin to feel light headed as soon as I lift by body from the soft covers. I mentally curse when I realize that my pillow is soaked in blood and that my ears have been bleeding mostly through the night. I hurry out of bed and into the bathroom to stop the bleeding and see Sanii standing there rapped in a towel. Her eyes widen at the amount of blood what was coating me and she jumps in to help.

"How did this happen? Was I making too much noise? I'm so so-"

"Sanii, it's not your fault okay? Just give me a second to clean up."

"Your scars." She says wide eyed. 

I look in the mirror and see that under the blood, my scars were visible. The spell that covers my scars had worn off. Sanii took a wet cloth and wiped away at my face. My body was tense and my heart was racing in my chest. After a while I realized that she was finished and she was tracing the lines in awe. 

"How do you hide them for so long? I thought it was makeup but, I realized that you lied after you shifted and your scars were there."

"A family friend cased a spell when I was younger and every couple of years I have to see her so she can renew it. I guess I forgot."

She reached for my face and I flinched uncontrollably. She brought her hand down and looked at me once more. "Why don't you wear your scars? I like them better than you hiding them."

 I looked down and she moved my gaze back to hers but I refused to look at her in her eyes. She pleads with me to look at her but I refuse profusely until I smell tears. Her face is pained, her eyes are filled with sadness and concern. She hugs me tightly and whispers to me, "I don't know how a man as perfect as you can be afraid of being his true self." 

I pull back from our hug and look at her in the eyes. 

"I'll keep my scars. For you." I kiss the top of her head. "And you only." 

She looks at me again before smiling widely and nodding. "Get dressed. We have a board meeting today remember?"

"Of course I remember, my love."


Sanii's POV

The 5 minute drive to the pack house seems longer than expected but we make it there in record timing. Theo squeezes my hand after he turns off the car. He keeps his gaze forward but I can feel his emotions. He's nervous. Scared. Terrified. I squeeze his hand back and push a layer of calmness over to him. It helps a little but I can still tell that he is tense. 

"My family hasn't seen my scars since I was a little kid."

"Well, now it's time to tell them that your not that little kid anymore. You're stronger than that. You're braver than that."

 He looks at me and smiles then gets out the car and confidently walks in the door with me in tow and our hands connected. 

The first to realize was his mother. Her eyes widened and she stares at him for a couple of seconds before returning to her normal expression. Theo acknowledges her then turns down the hallway towards the kitchen. He squeezes my hand once more and I return the gesture with the same amount of force. 

When Theo comes into view, the entire kitchen stops moving. Everyone's gaze is on us and I look at Theo and give him a quick peck of a kiss before we part ways and eat breakfast with members of the pack. I am surprised to see Alana and Castor eating and making funny faces at each other. I walk up to the table and they instantly greet me with warm hugs and hello's.

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