Never Ends

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Lola woke up in a car. She was alone. She looked out the window and saw the group. Adam wasn't there. Lola realized she had to leave now. She was handcuffed though. The car door swung open. Adam. He grabbed Lola unlocked her handcuffs and dragged her out of the car, "LETS RUN LOLA!" Adam and Lola ran the fastest they have ever ran. The group got into their cars. "Shit!" Lola yelled. Lola was ahead of Adam. She heard Adam gasp. "KEEP RUNNING LOLA, I PROMISE WE'LL BE TOGETHER AGAIN ONE DAY!" Lola knew what happened but she continued to keep running. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

She ran into a forest near by. She started hearing growling. She just kept running. She closed her eyes while running and heard the growling getting closer and closer when she collided with the walker. The rolled down a hill together, she made sure there was no way of her getting bit. They hit a giant tree. Lola thought it was over until she noticed the walker was not moving. She finally opened her eyes and saw a branch somehow stabbed him in the head. She got up and started running again.

She finally found a cute little house in the middle of nowhere. She went inside not being a where of her boundaries when a walking attacked her. She hit the door causing it to slam behind her causing her to be trapped. She slid under his legs and started heading to the kitchen where there might be some knives. She opened several drawers and finally found the correct one right before she was about to be bit. She grabbed a knife and stabbed him in the head. Confidence built up inside her. "I can do this." Lola said to herself.

There wasn't any walkers near the house. Outside she had a nice apple tree which would be good so she wouldn't have to go far for food.

Months passed. Everyday she thought about Adam. Everyday she cried to herself praying that Adam would find her. Everything else was fine though. She was safe. Or so she thought....

Lola woke up to the sound of footsteps. The only weapon she had was the knife. She grabbed the knife and hid behind the door. She peeked over and saw a group of men. These men looked as if they were bikers. "Shit." She whispered to herself. She climbed under the bed hoping they would be leaving soon.

"Ah, I haven't got to lay in a bed like this in a long ass time" A man said jumping on the bed. Luckily the man wasn't to heavy so it didn't affect Lola. That's when the man looked over, "Hey, this apple is fresh, someone lives here." He said. "Maybe they left?" Another man asked. It got silent. Lola looking at the men's feet all the sudden saw a man's face staring at her smiling. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh we're gonna have fun with you." The man reached under the bed grabbing Lola by the hair. "Ugh." Lola exclaimed. She grabbed her knife and stabbed him in the hand.

"AH YOU LITTLE BITCH!" The man yelled. The other man grabbed her by the hair but she lost the knife because the other man's hand. She got out under the bed but started attacking. She tackled one man, punching him in the face multiple times but man #3 grabbed her by the head. She turned around and punched him in the face and started running. The man that was tackled grabbed her foot causing her to fall on her face. Him and the other men (5 men total in the group) ganged up against her. She tried her best but lost against them, Lola passed out.

Lola woke up to the men arguing about "who was gonna go first." She tried to move but couldn't. One man came up to her and said let's go. I'm first." Lola didn't understand until it happened. Lola was raped by all 5 men multiple times. They grabbed her hair, smashed her against the wall, beat her, called her worthless shit, and forced her to have sex. Lola would never forget. She was scarred. The last man knocked her out.

"Haha, what are we gonna do with her?" Man #1 asked. "We're gonna rape her and when the time comes use her as bait." Man #4 said. They all agreed. Lola wasn't dressed at all except underwear with tiny holes and a ripped shirt. Lola was in so much pain, she could hardly breathe.

They only tied her by her hands in front, she laying on 3 men. She didn't care what happened next so she got up bit one of the men in the nose, unlocked the car and jumped out. She rolled and rolled. She slammed her head multiple times. Growling. Lola looked over and saw a herd of walkers is why the men most likely didn't turn back get her. She got up and ran with the very little energy she had. She knew it had to be close to the end. She stumbled down the road but kept going. She looked back and saw all the walkers turned around and were heading back towards a fire.

She again found a home and stayed there. She couldn't eat. Not after what happened. This taught her anything can happen. She's so close to death... starvation...

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