Confrontation isn't always the best solution

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Through the night Lola had a tough time sleeping. All she could think of was the possibility of losing Carl. She tossed and turned thinking of different scenarios. It was very early in the morning but she finally gave up on trying to sleep so she got up and wanted to explore Alexandria. It was the first time without Carl guarding her, she ever felt really safe. She hated being alone after what happened...

She was trying to find a secret spot just for her to go to when stressed or depressed which she was at that moment. She wanted to find an escape. She found a big giant tree in Alexandria and decided to climb up it and relax. The wind was blowing but the sun was at making it the best place to relax.

She heard giggling and looked down and saw Carl and Enid walking together laughing. Enid looked at him in the eyes and looked down at their hands and grabbed his. Lola's heart snapped in half. Carl hesitated and let go of her hand and walked forward. "Carl! What's wrong?" Enid asked worried. "Nothing... Where's Lola?" He asked. As much as Lola wanted to jump down and kiss him, she couldn't. If he found out she was listening he might get upset. But Lola was so happy. He rejected Enid.

He started walking ahead of her trying to find Lola. Once she saw Carl was about two blocks away, Lola climbed down the tree trying to catch up to Carl. She started running when Enid appeared out of nowhere. Lola immediately stopped so they wouldn't collide.

"Hello there, Lola." Enid said with a smirk. "Snooping, were you?" Lola kept her mouth shut. "Doesn't matter anyways. I guess I should tell you that Carl is slowly becoming mine everyday. Hold him while you still have him." Enid continued. "I don't think you realize how he just rejected you. In case you missed it, it was pretty embarrassing if you ask me." Lola replied. "Haha, I took him by surprise! He knows me way more than he knows you. He's gonna get tired of constantly having to babysit you..." Enid said laughing. "Like I said, hold him while you still have him.." Enid said walking away laughing.

All of Lola's confidence shattered. She turned around and walked up to the tree. While climbing Carl stopped her. "Hey, Lola! Sorry about last night. I haven't seen Enid in forever." "It's whatever." Lola responded looking at the ground. He lifted her chin and kissed her. "I've been wanted to do that since the first time I saw you..." Carl said smiling. Lola sat there smiling like an idiot. "Carl?" Rick called. "I got to go but i'll see you soon." He kissed her again and started walking with his dad.

Her heart was racing. She touched her lips gently and smiled. "Whoa..." She wanted to go throw it in Enid's face. But she decided not too. Her and Carl. All she could think about him. Carl Grimes. Lola Grimes. Lola Carl Grimes. She was in love.

She finally decided to walk after ten minutes of standing there. She walked to her house. She lived alone but spent most nights at Carl's sitting on his roof talking about life. Later that night Carl picked Lola up at her house, and they decided to walk around together. That night everyone decided that they wanted to eat dinner all together, which Lola wanted to rub in Enid's face that her and Carl were now a couple. They walked together to the get together. They were holding hands and couldn't stop looking at each other. Carl pulled out a chair for Lola and they sat down together.

Enid showed up late. She saw them together. She gave Lola the evil eye while Lola smiled back and waved. Enid sat next to them. "Oh my gosh, Lola! What's up? I was wondering where you were! You look gorgeous." Enid said as she was sitting down. "I didn't know you two were that close?" Carl said. "Neither did I." Lola said with a bit of attitude. "So you two are together now? Enid continued. "Yup!" Carl said smiling. "Wow, congrats. By the way should I forget the kiss we had last night or? Because I definitely don't want to ruin you two, I am just a little confused." Enid said trying to act innocent. Lola stood up and said "You little bitch." "Oh my... did he not tell you? Sometimes Carl's forgetful like that... I guess you must not know him like I do." Enid said smirking. Lola tried to hold in all of her anger but couldn't. Lola tackled Enid and started punching her face. Lola lost her power though and Enid got on top of her and grabbed her hair slamming her head to the ground. Lola bit her arm, they both stood up and Lola literally kicked Enid's face so hard it knocked the wind out of her and she fell back and screamed.

Carl grabbed Lola. Lola turned around and slapped him across the face. She looked around and everyone was frozen with a surprised look. Lola ran away with tears streaming down her cheeks.

The Walking Dead: The Story Of Carl And LolaWhere stories live. Discover now