Chapter 1 - Back To The Good Old Days

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Chapter One 

I groaned as a hand shake my shoulder. "Wake up, we're here at the airport." I heard my twin. 

"Shh, i'm still sleeping." I groaned, I heard him sighed.

"Veronica Elisse! Wake up!" Zayn shouted, that instantly I jumped from my seat and my head hit the ceiling of the car and I groaned. "Shit." I murmured rubbing my head. "You gotta learn waking up a women." I retorted.

"Well, I told you to wake up in a calmer way." Zayn reasoned, making me roll my eyes. "Stop blabbing, we are here already, let's go before the paps arrive." Zayn said, I nodded, and walked out of the car. I helped Zayn grab my things and soon we got in the airport with no one bugging us, well except the fact that we have to stop every minute cause some Directioners-- I don't call them fans, cause they're more dedicated than that, anyway--,wants a picture with Zayn. Luckily i got my passport already, and we only need the ticket to fly away.

We boarded the plane and we seat on the Firsst Class area, since the management take cared of our tickets, well, guess who i saw in the First Class area, Ed Sheeran is here! 

"Well, I don't know Ed is here." I said, Zayn rolled his eyes. 

"Hey Ed." Zayn greeted, Ed nodded and smiled. "This is my sister, Veronica." He introduced me, well kinda' pointed at me, I smiled, and Ed stand up and raise his hand, i shook it. 

"Well, I don't know you have a twin sister Zayn." Ed said.

I giggled. "Well, i don't know either, she just pop-out." Zayn joked, and I huffed, punching him on the shoulder. Ed shake his head. "You're twins alright." He said, I chuckled, shaking my head. 

We soon sit down and the plane started to board, Well, Las Vegas, here we come!


We arrive at the flat, and it's really cool, it's really large, no directioners are here, i wonder why? hmm, not my problem, we got in and Paul soon help us, they said we are in twentieth floor. And that floor is none in the buttons, but then Paul pull out a key and unlocked the small box, and there's a button, he push it and soon the elevator moved. My eyes wide in astonish, Zayn just shrugged, I'm new what can i say?

"I'll introduce you to the boys first." Zayn said, i nodded, my palms are sweating, i will meet him, my-my crush, well a little bit.. Oh! I'm freaking out! Paul already left us, and Zayn brought out his keys, unlocking the door, to his and them's flat, he opened the door with the words. "I'm back!" 

My eyes are wide when we enter, Niall and Louis are fighting, Louis was putting away the plate while Niall reach out to grab it, Liam and Harry are chasing each other, while Harry is ah, Zayn covered my eyes.

"Guys! My sister is over here! Dress up!" I heard Zayn, I blushed a little.

I heard some shuffling, and the boys said Oh's i think they are arranging some things, five minutes later and Zayn take off his hand away from my eyes, making me cringe a little because of the light, then I saw the boys, neat and clean, and so, does the place. 

"Well, you don't tell us you have a twin sister." Liam said, i smiled. 

"Well, sorry, you haven't asked me, and yep, this is my sister, Niall, Liam, Louis, Harry this is Veronica, and Veronica this is Niall, Louis, Liam, and Harry." He introduced. I smiled at them and shake their hands, Nerve-racking okay, i have this small crush at Niall! He's so cute, and he's laugh! But telling my brother is yet worst, he will never agree at this kind of thing. 

"Well, you meet her, now, she is going to her flat, be right back." Zayn said, before turning around, I did the same, but with one last look, I saw Harry smirk at me, while the others get back to their things. Oh how i wish that Niall did the same though.

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