Opposites- Ch. 13

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White, comfortably hazy light penetrated Harry's vision as his eyes fluttered open.

Staring up at the ceiling, he listened contentedly to the sounds of the other boys in the dormitory rousing themselves awake; feeling exceptionally well rested but too comfortable to move just yet.

So Harry lay there, until he felt the shifting next to him, and the warmth of someone else's skin on his.

Startled, he looked across the bed for the first time since awakening, noticing too, for the first time since the previous night, the sleeping blonde boy next to him.

Fuck. Holy fucking shit.

Sitting up from his pillow in a clearly panicked state, Harry ran a hand through his wildly messy hair, mind racing desperately. There was no way he could keep the other boys from finding out about Draco sleeping in his bed, not with them all up and bustling around like they were. Harry would have to think of something, and fast; or else he and Draco would both be done for.

Harry clamped a hand over Draco's mouth. The boy's pale eyes flew open instantly, startled. Harry rose a finger to his mouth to signal that he needed to be as quiet as possible. Silence, particularly on Draco's part, was key right now.

"Oi, Harry," Ron's sleepy, voice came from behind Harry's bed curtain, a little too close for comfort. "Get up, mate, you'll miss breakfast."

"Oh, er... About that," Said Harry, forcing his voice to sound realistically pained. "I don't feel well, I think I'll skip out on breakfast today. You go on without me." Harry punctuated this excuse by faking a groan.

"Oh, alright." Ron responded. "See you at charms, then?"

"Yeah," Harry groaned again. "Charms."

Harry could hear the sounds of other boys leaving the dormitory, but he could still hear the creaking of Ron's bed. Harry wished so bad he would leave, Ron's presence was racking his nerves.

Suddenly, the curtain surrounding Harry's bed was yanked open, and Harry threw the heavy blanket over Draco's head just in time for Ron's tall, freckly figure to be revealed standing next to him.

Harry's heart was beating violently in his chest. He prayed that his face didn't give away the stress of the situation.

"Goodness." Ron said, face wrinkling with mild concern. "You do look sick. Sure you don't need to visit the hospital wing?"

"Nah. I just need a little extra rest, is all." Harry tried to sound as normal as possible as he responded; but Draco fidgeted nervously under the covers. Harry stifled the urge to hit him.

Ron looked a little suspicious, but walked away nevertheless. "See ya, then." He said, disappearing down the steps.

Beside himself with relief, Harry pulled the curtain shut and collapsed back onto the bed next to Draco. He couldn't believe what a close call that had been. He was irritated with Ron for rudely yanking open his bed curtain without warning, but mostly irritated at himself for so thoughtlessly getting them into this situation the night before.

Propping himself up on one elbow, Harry pulled the covers off of Draco's head. His white blond hair was almost as disheveled as Harry's, and his silver eyes blinked slowly back at the morning light.

"Good morning." Draco said, yawning.

"Good morning to you, too. Do you realize what just happened?"

"What." Draco asked, although it came out as more of a statement. He smirked, obviously feigning ignorance.

Harry raised his eyebrows, unamused.

"We almost got caught. Us. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Two boys. In a bed. Together."

Draco shrugged haughtily. "But we didn't get caught. Plus, it's not like we did anything. All we did was sleep." Harry noticed that the blond boy's voice was deeper, a little more relaxed in the morning. He decided he liked it.

"That's hardly the point, is it!?" Harry exclaimed, a little annoyed. "If were gonna be making a habit out of this, then were gonna have to be more careful."

"A habit?" Said Draco eagerly. " so you're saying this is something you'd want to do again?" He smiled rather coyly, but cocked a blond eyebrow.

"Well, if the trend continues..." Harry responded.

The two boys' eyes met, and Draco slowly lifted himself up to Harry's face.

Draco kissed Harry slowly at first, but more eagerly as Harry began to respond. Small, shallow, frequent kisses tickled Harry's lips.

Draco's lips were a bit dry, but Harry couldn't complain as Draco directed his lips to Harry's chin, kissing a little trail down his neck and along his jawline. Harry shuddered, not used to the feeling that Draco was bringing out of him.

"We're better without words." Draco mumbled into Harry's skin. He smiled. It was so true.

As their lips met again, Harry decided it was his turn to take action, nibbling tenderly on the other boy's bottom lip. Draco tossed his head back with a little groan, and their chins collided. Draco took quick advantage of this, nudging at Harry with a desperation like no other. Harry got the feeling that this was the result of years of tension finally breaking, and to Harry, it was glorious.

Harry paused momentarily, poised over Draco, one hand on either side of the boy's pale shoulders.

"How did this happen?" Harry wondered out loud, taking it all in, the sight of Draco, laying his bed so vulnerably. "How did we end up here? We're supposed to hate each other."

Draco bit his lip thoughtfully. Looking at the ceiling, he responded. "The opposite of love isn't necessarily hate, Harry."

Harry was confused. "Then what is it?"

"I've always thought that the opposite of love is disinterest. You can hate someone just as passionately as you can love, but disinterest is simply not caring, like having no opinion. Have you ever not cared about me?"

Harry thought of all the times he had stalked Draco Malfoy, even let himself become obsessed with him, telling himself it was because he hated him. "Come to think of it, no. Never."

Draco shrugged. "There you go."

"Wait." Harry said, eyes narrowed. "Was that... Are you saying you love me?"

"Might be."

And then they were kissing again, positioned switched; Draco poised over Harry with more intensity and purpose than Harry had seen him yet.

Draco kissed Harry like he was drinking him up, not a bit of him left unappreciated. He kissed Harry like he was trying to bring something out of him, and it was working.

Draco's lips found Harry's collarbones, and Harry's hands found Draco's head. Wrapping his fingers around his soft, golden-white strands, he tugged lightly; and a soft groan was emitted from Draco's pale lips.

Draco's slender hands ran down Harry's arms, and Harry felt the firm muscles of Draco's slender waist.

Harry paused. "We should probably head down now."

"What's the rush? You're supposed to be sick."

"I know, but I don't wanna push it." Harry said, and it was true; he didn't want another close call like earlier.

"Don't get me wrong, I could probably stay here all day, I just..."

"Don't wanna risk it?" Draco said, reading his mind. "You're right." He looked down, a little disappointed. Harry could've been imagining it, but he though he saw the slightest hint of hurt in Draco's eyes.

"Hey, don't worry." Harry said, leaning in for one more kiss. "This was worth the risk."

And it was.

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