Opposites- Ch. 8

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Harry awoke the next morning groggy and unaware of his surroundings. He stared up at the blank ceiling of the dormitory and listened to the sounds of the boys around him shifting in their beds and rousing themselves awake, as he allowed his eyes to focus.

The morning light wafted through the curtain surrounding his bed. Harry quietly groaned when the sunshine stung his eyes. Confused, he tried to think of what caused him to wake up so tired.

And then the memories of last night's meeting with Malfoy crept into his mind. The conversation must've dragged on until quite late, as Harry could barely remember going to bed.

As the moments on the astronomy tower flooded his memory, Harry proceeded to replay every single detail in his thoughts.

He remembered everything- the pain in those gray eyes, the crease between them when Draco furrowed his brow, the feeling of the other boy's skin against his, the way his blonde hair tickled Harry's forehead...

That was the moment that Harry remembered the best. Once again, Malfoy had stimulated a feeling in him that he couldn't explain, couldn't understand; and Harry found it quite unpleasant. It was confusing- why was it, that out of all the strange and preposterous things they spoke of last night, that Harry couldn't stop thinking about that one moment of weakness they had shared; that moment of defeat, of a kind of truce between them that came without words?

He felt like he should regret, even hate that moment. After all, getting all cozy with Draco Malfoy, of all people? What would Ron say? Harry decided not to think about it, Ron would never find out about this.

If there was anything Harry was sure of, it was this: nothing between him and Draco Malfoy was ever going to be the same .


By breakfast, Ron still hasn't asked about any absence on Harry's part, so he assumed no one noticed anything last night and decided to play it safe by not mentioning it.

"Feeling better, Harry? You seemed a little under the weather last night." said Hermione, ever true to her nature.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He responded, taking a bite of the pancakes in front of him.

"Good. You'd tell us if something was wrong, wouldn't you Harry?"

"Of course, Hermione." Harry sighed exasperatedly. He was getting seriously annoyed by Hermione's constant concern since returning to Hogwarts, although quite used to it.

As much as Harry wanted to push the events of the previous night out of his mind, he knew there was no way he could pretend it didn't happen. Obviously, Draco hadn't just been asking for them to not bother and just ignore each other. It seemed to him that he had been requesting more than just a simple truce, and Harry, for reasons absolutely unbeknownst to himself, had responded as such...

So how were they supposed to act around each other now? How was Harry expected to act around Draco like nothing had ever happened between them, like their slates were wiped clean? ANd was that even what Draco wanted? 

(Harry couldn't believe he had just considered what Draco Malfoy "wanted".)

This wasn't the first time in Harry's life where Harry didn't understand what was going on inside his own head (or heart), but it was much different this time, he could tell.

This time, it wasn't someone else in his head, and it had nothing to do with magic-- It was his own feelings.


AN: Sorry I've been so slow to update lately, and sorry this chapter is so short :/ I've been a bit busy and distracted lately, but I will be updating very soon with a longer chapter! If you've enjoyed this so far please vote or leave a comment, it helps motivate me to write heheh :) thanks!!

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