Chapter 3: You Have To Help Me Fat Ass!

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I got home at 8 o clock. I would've been there earlier if I hadn't wondered around town for a couple of hours. I just had to think. Sometimes I feel like my life is more fucked up than it seems. I couldn't help but feel alone. The only person I truly had to talk to was ally and after the whole bitch thing i felt like I couldn't trust her. I know it was petty and I should let it go but i feel as if she's changing.

My family is no help. My dad was out of the country. My moms a freaking workaholic. My older brother's a junkie. My sister is dead. And my little brother is a 5 year old who can barely pronounce the word blanket.

Yep my world is coming to an end. And something tells me by the time my little brother Jeremiah is my age he'll have the same problems just one more ... Me.

"Hi mom" I said throwing my book bag on the counter. My mother was sitting at the kitchen table on her computer typing away. She had straightened her short curls. So now her long brown hair flowed down her back. Perfect as always. I always wondered how she got her hair to be so perfect not a single strain out of place.

"Hi honey how was school?" My mother said catching me off guard. I didn't expect her to greet me let alone ask how my day went. My mother stopped typing and looked over my way. "You ok honey?"

I didn't know what to say so I told her the truth. "I skipped school today."

My mother shrugged her shoulders and turned around and start working again. I forgot who I was talking to I could say I killed someone and she would just pretend to care.

I just wanted her to act like a mother for once ground me, take my phone do something.

"I skipped school with Dejontay mom." My mother had her back turned towards me but she had stopped typing. Yeah she heard me and understood to.

Word vomit is a motherfucker.

"What?" The moment I heard my mothers voice crack I regretted telling her. I could see her hands shaking.

"He came back mom. He's in town...He've changed." I said not believing the last part my self. My mother sat there motionless and for moments neither of us dared to speak. Out of an annoying habit I started to tap the table with my nails.

"Who's Dejontay?" My mother said starting to type again. "A new friend of yours? Be carful who you hang around." She continued "I mean I don't want you hanging with someone who Is a bad-"

"Mom you know who I'm talking about." I said cutting her off. "You need to stop running away from your problems."

My mother stood abruptly turning towards me. "Young lady." Was all she said usually when she said that I left it alone. I knew she was angry but I couldn't help it. She had a stern look on her face.

You know the one that said 'I'm a big bad werewolf rawr.'

No I'm kidding but it was a look that said 'don't mess with me right now.'

And I had word vomit.

"He's your son mom! Have you ever thought about the reason he does the things he do." I said raising my voice.

I flinched when my mother took a step towards me. "He's no son of mines!" My mother yelled pointing to herself.

"He's no son of mines!" my mother repeated this time a little bit softer. She was on the verge of tears and her knees were buckling.

"But he is." I said taking a step back and heading up stairs. "Weather you like it or not!"

I feel like shit right now and I knew I needed a nap. If I didn't go to sleep now I knew I would only start shit. I laid back on my bed and put my headphones in my ear. It was too early and I couldn't fall asleep. so I just sung along to my music and decided to see what the world of twitter was up to.

Good Girl With A Lot of Bad Habits (ON Hold for Edit And Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now