Chapter 10: Putting On A Show

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I couldn't really fall back to sleep after the encounter I had with Ian. Any other girl would probably kill to be in my shoes. They would probably be like an love struck puppy smiling as they thought about the kiss.

Don't get me wrong I'm not going to lie I probably enjoyed the kiss more than Ian had. At first I was shocked, and then lust took over. During the kiss I didn't care about anyone else. I didn't care that I had a boyfriend. I didn't care that my brother might beat the crap out of Ian. But after he left and headed up stairs (most likely to crash in my brothers room) the only feelings I had were worry and regret. I couldn't stop thinking about that smile he gave me. Like he knew something I didn't.

I was putty in his hands.

I turned around and watched as the light from outside started shining threw the slight opening of my curtains.

"Forget it" I finally said sitting up on my bed. Running my fingers through my hair I looked at the clock that read 7:30am.

Signing in defeat I decided to get up and get dressed for the day. I knew no one else would be up because it was Sunday. Mom usually left for work around 5am. I also knew my brother probably have an major hangover from last night.

Being the sweet kind innocent sister I am you would expect me to be as quite as possible so that my loving brother could sleep.


Getting out of bed with a sinister smile on my face I put my iPhone on its dock turning the volume up as loud as it could go I opened my door. Snickering, I pressed the play button and at first I was stunned by volume myself but my ears quickly adjusted. Crazy kids by Ke$ha was booming through my system.

Peaking my head in the Hallway I heard a groan and shuffle coming from my brothers room. So I made a dash for it as quickly as I could I grabbed the brush off my dresser and started jumping on my bed pretending to keep myself occupied.

I was facing the window my back to the door screaming to the top of my lungs. "We are, we are, we are-" My music was rudely cut off.

A smile crept onto my lips. "It's about time you woke up-" I stopped mid-sentence once I saw who stood in my room.

Why won't this boy go away?

"Oh." Was all I said before taking a seat on my bed.

"You're dance moves are pretty great and I loved the view. but could you please wait till it's not 7 in morning to pull your ridiculous pranks?" Ian said smirking. He was shirtless revealing all of his tattoos, and his hair was all over the place. You would expect someone like Ian to pull off the messy look. I mean he did when he did it intentionally, but right now he was the only one looking ridiculous.

I bit my bottom lip trying to hold back laughter. I knew it wouldn't be long before I erupt.

"What's so funny?" He asked confused.

"Your ha-hair looks like a, like a birds nest." I said pointing and laughing.

"Yeah, well your not much of a beauty queen your self in the morning, princess." He said chuckling.

"Asshole." I said throwing my pillow which hit him dead smack in the face.

"You started it." He said. I didn't see the pillow coming back my way until it was too late. The pillow fell on top of my head blocking my vision. Pulling the pillow off of my head. I saw Ian smirking leaning on my dresser like he had won the war, but the war was far from over.

"Oh, it's so on." I said.


Ally was sitting on my dresser looking at the mess me and Ian created hours before.

Good Girl With A Lot of Bad Habits (ON Hold for Edit And Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now