Chapter 4: Womanizer

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I awoken with an aching pain in my left foot. What the hell happened to me last night? I got out of my bed and tried to walk but the pain was too much to bare. I limped over to my dresser to get some Advil.

"Damn, I look like hell." I mumbled to myself.

My short brown curly hair was now matted to my head making me look more like a boy. I had bags under my eyes and dried slob coming down my mouth. Lets face it I was no Halle Berry in the morning.

I went to open the Advil bottle when something in the mirror caught my eye. I turned quickly and walked over to it. In the middle of my floor were a pair of black boy Levi's, an regular black t-shirt, and a grey North-face wind breaker.

Did I have a boy here last night?

If I did why can't I remember?

I was getting aggravated at the fact that I couldn't remember anything.

Then I notice a piled up blanket and pillow in the corner of my room away from the door.

Who did I bring home last night?

No one

I remember the argument with my mom and that's it.

Then something hit me like a ton of bricks if I did bring a guy home why is his clothes still here? Where is he?

I limped out of my room and into the hallway. My mothers door was closed which was a clear sign she was still here.

Oh lord have mercy on my soul.

I panicked looking around from room to room looking for who ever it was that slept in my room last night. It's not that my mom would really care. wouldn't you panic to if a stranger was roaming around your house carelessly?

I made it to the top of the stairs and and started to creep down.

"Please, let our TV be there. Please, let our TV be there. God if your listening please let our TV be there." I chanted to my self as I walking down the stairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I paused. The sight in front of me shocked me more than ever.

Was our house trashed? No.

Was our TV stolen? No.

Were we robbed? Un-uh

The sight in front of me was much worst. It was way worst.

"Good Morning sleepy head." My brother said with this huge smile on his face. "You look like shit."

He was currently positioned legs crossed on top of our isle in the middle of the kitchen in grey basketball shorts and a white t-shirt. He was eating cereal.

He was eating my Captain Crunch!

"What are you doing?" I asked him walking up cautiously. Something must have been wrong with him. I mean he must have gone crazy, right? He's in our house eating cereal.

My cereal if you don't mind me pointing out.

"I'm eating." He replied looking at me funny.

"I know that, but what are you doing in the house?" I asked stopping in front of him. "You do realize mom is here, right?"

He looked like he was deep in thought for a moment. "Shit, how am I suppose to know I woke up here."

I looked at him and rubbed my temple he was really frustrating me. "I don't understand how you not know how you end up someones house." I started pacing the floor thinking really hard about last night.

Good Girl With A Lot of Bad Habits (ON Hold for Edit And Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now