Chapter 2: This Place Gives Me The Creeps

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I woke up to my usual alarm clock in the morning. The sound of my father beating the crap out of my mother.

Wait. My father is back?

I heard my door open.

I sat up on my bed "come here" I said patting the spot on the bed next to me. My little brother closed 'my door and did as I said. I pulled the covers up. "It's ok just go to sleep." I said patting my brother on the back.

My mother and father has always argued but never gotten physical. Ok, so maybe I over exaggerated when I said my dad was "beating the crap out of my mom." My dad would never touch a woman. Hell, my dad wouldn't even hurt a fly if you asked him. He was a kind, gentle, loving man. So when my dad start throwing things and breaking shit I knew something bad was going on. I never spied on my parents so I don't really know why I did this night.

I got out of my bed and creeped into the hallway. My parents weren't yelling anymore but I could still hear the hushed sounds of their worriedly voices. "How could you let this happen" I heard my mom say. Her usually sweet upbeat voice filled with hurt and anger.

"How could you put our life in danger. Our kids life in danger. I'm sorry Jimbob." I was now at the top of the stairs even though my mothers back was facing me I could still tell she was in tears.

I found myself chuckling a little. Was this really a time for my mom to be calling my dad Jimbob? I think she would have kept authority if she just called him by his real name Jimmy.

"Please Rose I'll find a way, I promise." My father said walking up putting a hand on my mothers back.

I turned around and made my way back to my room and tried to sneak into my bed without waking up Jeremiah. "Are you going to get into trouble again" Jeremiah said his voice scaring me half to death. "Jeez Jeremiah I thought you were sleep." I said turning over. "Is mommy going to have to go find you? Are you going to get into trouble again?" He repeated I wish I could say I didn't know what he was talking about. I wish I could tell him no but I couldn't lie to him so I just told him " I don't know Jeremiah ,now go to sleep." He signed " it's ok if you do because I'll still love you." He said smiling

"Someone's been reading dr. Seuss again." I said laughing "yeah those books are really good but I don't think I would like green eggs and ham either." He said crinkling his nose up. "Goodnight Jeremiah"

"Goodnight Storm"



I woke up to the song Emily by From First To Last blaring from my iPod. I hit snooze and rolled over for what I thought was a couple more minutes of sleep.



"Go away" I said throwing my pillow as someone opened the door. "Sweetie" my mother said I pulled my cover over my head hoping to block her out. She came to sit on the edge of my bed "Honey?" She said in a tone she often used when she was sad.

"What!" I said in the deadliest tone I could. My voice cracked a little at the end since I was still half sleep, but I'm sure my mom got the picture.

My mother was the nicest and prettiest person I knew. People often say we look alike. We had the same short dark Curley hair and the same big brown eyes. Those are probably the only thing I have in common with my mom. Her skin was so flawless and light. I was about a shade darker than her.

My dad left us a couple months ago. He had to take up a job offer in mexico (not a legal job offer either.) We couldn't afford to stay up in the hills and go to private school anymore. So two weeks ago was when I got the notice to say good bye to all my friends in Saint Martin de Porres High School and start school at Norway High. It was still pretty high class but after a week without anyone to talk to I missed my friends. Hell I even missed the chihuahua that gets out of his cage every Monday and try to attach everyone ankles who steps foot in front of the school building.

Ally has actually been to see me everyday since I left so I guess that's cool.

" Sorry mom" I said sitting up. " it's ok sweetie I know how hard it is moving new places I just had to do what was best for you and your brother."

"I know" I said with a slight smile. " Now get up and get dress you have to drive Jeremiah to school." My mom said patting me on the back and leaving. I showered and picked me out something to wear I decided to wear my black shirt with crosses on it and my black skinnys. For shoes I decided to wear my black vans. Yep, all black everything. Yes I know I have a weird style.

I brushed my teeth and went down to get breakfast when my brother step in front me.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked with an annoyed look on his face. "Getting breakfast" I said trying to step around him. He mirrored my step "Oh no your not you should of thought about that an hour ago. I'm not going to be late on my first day because of you."

I never thought that a five year old little boy could be such a pain in the ass.

I held the keys in his face "Fine then you drive." I said with a smile.

He rolled his eyes went into the kitchen and came back with a bagel. "Fine then this is all you get." He said holding the bagel in the air. "That's all I ask for." I said taking the bagel out of his hand and walking out of the door.

20 minutes later I had dropped my brother off and walked threw the doors of Norway high school."Now this is a high school." Ally said. (did i mention ally skipped school and decided to come with me for a day? don't think anyone would notice her being a student for the day.) "It looks like something out of a movie." I said in disgust. St. Martin was a small school everyone knew everyone. They didn't just hang with one group. The jocks talked with the nerds. The cheerleaders talked with the goths. Here it was different it looked like no one hung outside their groups. You had your jocks, goths, cheerleaders, female jocks, Latinos, blacks, prissy girls, nerds, and stoners. Where did I fit in? I had no idea.

"We'll bye" Ally said bringing me back to life. "Wait, your not staying?" I asked rhetorically. I already knew the answer since she was half way out of the door.

"Yeah, about that. This place gives me the creeps like some kid is going shot the place up any second." She said waving and walking out of the school. "Have fun." I heard her faint voice call out threw the closed doors.

I was left to fight threw the jungle on my own. Although Norway was a safe neighborhood it was also close to some neighborhoods that were not so safe. Where did those kids go to school? Well here of course.

I was so distracted by Ally that I had bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said looking up. The guy turns around he was about 5'8 with dark grey eyes. His hair was black but it was to perfect. Which is how I knew it was dyed. He had tattoos from head to toe.

He looked familiar.

"WATCH WHERE THE FU-!" He stop mid sentence when he looked down. I probably looked pathetic. I mean come on I was wearing a shirt with crosses on them. I probably looked like I was going to church or something. His eyes softened but his voice didn't. "Watch where the fuck your going bitch." He said walking away.

I knew that Jerk.

Everyone was looking at me. So I was glad when the bell rung. I was going to be late but I didn't care I just wanted to go back to St. Martin I mean I have never been so disrespected in my life. Did he really just call me a bitch?

Did Ian just call me a bitch?

-Author notes

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