Chapter 1

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The final school bell of our junior year chimed and instantly the halls were filled with teens anxious to get out. I suppose I was no different than everyone else; desperate to break free from these school walls. This year had been a nightmare for me and I was glad it was over. Papers went flying as students rushed to their lockers and out of the building, creating a chaos that could only be recognized as the first taste of summer.

"See you at your birthday party tomorrow, Hailey!" Various students called in my direction as I made my way to my locker. I lifted a hand and gave a halfhearted wave in response to everyone. I wasn't really in the celebrating mood.

"Come on, Hailey! You should be excited! You're turning eighteen!" Amber squealed, her blonde hair bouncing as she ran over to me. "Oh, my God, can you believe it! We're officially seniors! Tomorrow's party is going to be the party of the century! Everyone's talking about it."

"Great, how about you throw the party while I just stay home and watch scary movies with Blaze?" I sighed shutting my locker and walking with Amber out of the building towards my red Mercedes.

"Well, I'm sure Blaze wouldn't mind," Amber said while nudging me in the side, "But you have to go, it's your birthday party."

"Yeah, but it was your idea." I pointed out as we stepped into my car.

"And it was a great one! Do you know how many people are excited for this party? Everyone is ready to see the old Hailey back in action." Amber mumbled the last part quietly, probably afraid that it would upset me.

"Amber..." I began, not exactly sure of what to say. At one point in time I had been the snobby rich girl that half the school hated and all of the school envied. My parents were the owners of the city's largest commercial property chain. They owned the buildings of practically every major shopping complex and restaurant in the city. At least they did until six months ago.

I was having my annual Christmas party in the plaza downtown and I remember being angry that my parents were late. I called their office building over and over, not knowing that they had died in a car crash on the way over to the plaza. Since that dreadful night, I hadn't dared to throw or attend another party, much to the disappointment of my peers. It seemed to everyone that the vivacious Hailey had been killed in that car crash for the shell of a person that I had become.

"It's only been six months, Amber." I stated as I started the car and began driving in the direction of my empty mansion. The rest of the drive was silent as we were both lost in our thoughts. As I approached my winding driveway, I noticed the gate was open, but immediately shrugged it off. I automatically assumed that one of the party planners had left it open. I parked and looked over at Amber, thinking about what a great friend she and Blaze had been after my parents passed.

"Do you still have that black mini-dress?" I asked her, hoping to cheer her up as we grabbed our bags and headed inside.

"Yeah, why?" She asked confused.

"Hello? I'm having a party tomorrow. I need to wear something!" I acted as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Sure enough, it brought a smile to her face and I felt more hopeful. Perhaps this party was a good idea after all.

"Alright." Amber laughed. "I'll make sure I grab the dress when I- oh my god." She gasped as the door to the mansion opened. The pearl white floors in the entry way were littered with papers and glass. The hall mirrors were shattered, tables were overturned, and the painting of my parents and I looked like it had been slashed with a knife.

"Amber, call the police. I'm going to look around." I whispered, as she fumbled with her phone. I wandered from room to room, careful not to make any noise. Everything else in the house seemed untouched. That is, until I reached my bedroom. My room had ripped to shreds. My sheets and pillows were slashed, along with my curtains and furniture. Papers and books littered the floor while overturned lamps and bookcases laid smashed into pieces. Among the destruction I almost missed the black writing on the wall.

Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Princess!

A chill ran over my spine, as I took a step closer to the wall. I lifted my right hand to touch the writing and noticed that the black paint was still wet. 

Just then a gloved hand covered my mouth and a menacing voice whispered into my ear,"I'll leave your friend alone, if you go quietly." I took a minute to think about my options, before nodding in agreement. For a split second my attacker relaxed, giving me enough time to elbow his stomach, and punch his jaw before he fell to the ground with an audible thud. I kicked him once more in his side before I took off running.

"Amber!" I screamed as I ran.

"Hailey?" Amber called, fear flooding her face as she saw me running towards her. The comforting sounds of sirens met me as I reached out and hugged her tightly.

"Hailey, what's going on?" she asked, pulling away to meet my eyes.

"I'm not sure..." I replied honestly as the police stormed in and began taking over.


"How did you manage to lose her? She weighs maybe a hundred pounds?" James roared as he examined a pathetic looking man, who was still clutching his face.

"She packs a hell of a punch." The man muttered. He winced as the movement made his busted lip crack even further.

"She's a girl." James stated in disbelief.

"Well, she's not your average girl. She tricked me. She's smart, James."

"Do you know how much tonight complicates things? Now she'll be more cautious and will most likely have security trailing around her. If you couldn't handle her tonight what makes you think that you could handle her and her added security?" James continued to yell, angry that his plan might be hindered. Failure wasn't an option.

"Here." The man on the floor said, pulling out a crumpled paper from his pocket, "This might help." James stared down at the paper, a grin stretching across his face.

"Clean up, Alex. We have a birthday party to attend."

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