Chapter 7

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           Alex, Blaze, and I were eating dinner in the kitchen in an awkward silence. James had stormed off a little while ago saying something along the lines of going for a walk before slamming the front door and leaving. Alex was trying to make light jokes every now and then but Blaze was acting weird, and I felt just felt awkward and confused from everything that had been happening. Just a couple of days ago, the only guy in my life was everything felt so complicated and I didn't know what to do. Not to mention the whole part about me technically being kidnapped. I just couldn’t believe the mess I was in.

"Yeah I think fresh air would do me some good too." Blaze spoke quietly exiting through the back door. The familiar pit in my stomach told me he was upset, and as awful as he had been acting, I knew I had to follow him.

“What are you doing?” Alex asked worriedly as I headed to back door.

“I’m just going to talk to Blaze.”

"Do you think that’s a good idea right now?" Alex wondered.

"I don't think anything is a good idea right now." I said simply before sliding out the back door. Blaze had always been a mystery to me. I think that's what kept us together so long. His unpredictability, the spontaneous trips, the ability to know exactly what he was feeling at any time of the day but unable to understand what made him feel that way. He was dark and dangerous, well as dangerous as a high school guy could get and I'd fallen for him quickly.

"Do you remember the day we met?" Blaze asked, from somewhere in the shadows as if he was reading my thoughts.

"How could I ever forget? You told me that I'd be the death of you. It was quite a way to make a first impression." I smiled, finding him sitting under a giant oak tree.

"I was so nervous to sing in front of you. I knew I'd have one chance and I wanted it to be perfect." He said taking my hand in his. It felt like years ago, but I could remember it as if it were yesterday. Blaze had a reputation about as bad as mine. The only difference was that I was the most popular girl in school and he was part of the "loners." They were bad ass kids that thought they were untouchable. We all went to the same high school but it was as if we lived in separate worlds. The only time you’d see different cliques mixing was at a local hang out that we'd all go to on Friday nights. On the first Friday of every month, the coffee shop had an open mic night. One of those nights, right as I was entering the coffee shop, Blaze jumped up on stage with his guitar and started to sing for me. I knew in that moment that it was for me, because his eyes never strayed away from mine the entire time. He sat there, on the dark stage and sang one of my favorite songs, Stupid Girl by Framing Hanley.

"It was perfect." I said squeezing his hand in mine. We must have sat together under that tree for only a few minutes, but it felt like hours with our hands intertwined. After a while, Blaze began to hum the song to me and I began to feel myself melt again as if time had not separated the moment when Blaze had so crazily tried to win my affections. I couldn't tell you who made the first move but before I knew it Blaze and I were entangled on the soft grass, breathing heavily.

"Let's get out of here." Blaze said as he pushed a strand of my behind my ear before gently kissing me one more time.

"And go where?" I asked closing my eyes and enjoying the moment. The sun had finally set and the stars were glowing from up above. Distance and time cannot perish this little thing called love. In that moment, I knew that despite everything, at least a small part of me was still in love with Blaze.

"Anywhere, everywhere. I don't know. Let's just go." Blaze said, his eyes shining in the darkness. Before I knew it we were off, hand in hand jumping over the fence and running through the night, going God only knows where.

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