Chapter 3

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I woke up alone in a strange bedroom, if you could even call it that. The only items inside the room were a small weathered desk, the small bed I was currently laying on that reeked of moth balls, and an old rocking chair in the far corner of the room that looked as if it would fall apart if someone sat on it. Apart from that, the room was bare. The only window was boarded up and the walls were absent of anything more than peeling wallpaper. I tried to sit up when I noticed my hands were cuffed to the headboard.

"What the..." I began as a door opened and a strange man with shaggy brown hair came in carrying a tray.

"Oh, you're awake! Hungry?" He asked looking slightly relieved and gesturing to the food he was holding.

"Not really. Where am I?" I asked confused.

He looked at me with a pained expression on his face, "I'm sorry, Hailey. I'm not allowed to say."

"Well, what are you allowed to say?" I asked, trying to remember what happened before I blacked out. I was getting ready for the party... Blaze gave me some stupid roses...I met a guy...JAMES! He had to be in on it! I just wasn't sure why...damn and I had actually liked him.

"Um, I can't say much but I can undo the handcuffs so that you can eat, but you can't leave this room." He said twisting his hands in a way that looked oddly familiar.

"Alright." I let out a shaky sigh before letting my arms jangle the cuffs so he'd unlock them. He had to move practically on top of me to unlock them, the bottom of his shirt lifting up to reveal a pretty bad bruise on his midsection. I smiled to myself as I recognized where I had seen this guy before and a sense of satisfaction filled me as I realized that I had given him that bruise only the night before. After the cuffs were removed he stood up and turned around to pick up the tray of food. Instinctively, I pulled the guy back, causing him to bang his head on the side of the headboard, knocking him unconscious. I quickly stepped over his body, and ran out the door. The hallway only led in one direction, so I had no choice but to follow it. Reaching the end of the hall, I entered what looked like a living room and just beyond that stood the front door. I walked as quickly and quietly as I possibly could across the room. I was almost to the door when something crashed into me, sending me flying onto the couch in the living room.

"Get off of me!" I screamed, hitting the large mass that was pinning me to the couch.

"You couldn't have thought that it would be that easy to get away, did you Princess?" I heard a familiar voice murmur against my ear as he grabbed a hold of my arms and pinned them behind me.

"I almost made it to the front door, didn't I?" I pointed out, raising my knee up to hit him in the stomach, but he easily blocked it.

"The keyword is 'almost,' Princess. Now I'd appreciate it if you stopped moving around."

"Well, then it sucks to be you then doesn't it?" I said as I began to thrash harder. It didn't seem to faze him as he waited for me to grow tired and stop. I fought as hard as I could, throwing my body weight against him, but time after time I failed. Feeling exhaustion start to creep up, I slowed to a stop. I needed to conserve my energy for a better time.

"Are you done now?" James asked, laughing at my heavy breathing.

"Not even close." I practically growled in anger.

"Maybe I should have given more credit to Alex when he came back without you. You put up a hell of a fight. I wonder what you'd be like in bed." He hummed, letting go of one of my hands to run his hand across my cheek. I let out an involuntary shiver at the warmth of his hand.

"Ugh, get off of me! You were a bad kisser anyways." I lied, using my free hand to smack his hand away from my face.

"Right, that's why you were willing to jump into bed with me... because I'm a bad kisser. Whatever you say, Princess." He stated before suddenly looking past me and laughing. "What did you do? Hit Alex with that rickety old chair?" James asked laughing.

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