Chapter 11

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            “Well, I had to try didn’t I?” I replied bitterly, turning to glare at Viktor.

            “What happened to the quiet, agreeable woman who did as she was told?” Viktor asked, dark amusement coloring his features as he strode towards us. Fear gripped me, tightening my chest as James squeezed my hand reassuring me. I spared James a glance and noticed that he didn’t seem worried in the slightest.

            “She’s gone.” I seethed my voice stronger as I was reassured by James’s confidence.

            “It makes things a bit more complicated but I’m glad. I like this Hailey. She’s feisty.” Viktor said, seeming a little too pleased.

            “I wouldn’t take another step near her, if I were you.” James growled, protectively. Viktor finally tore his eyes from mine to appraise James as if noticing him for the first time.

            “Well, if it isn’t the knight in shining armor coming to rescue his damsel in distress. ” Viktor exclaimed, seeming unworried by James’s presence.

            “I promise you, that I’m certainly no damsel in distress.” I stated darkly before James had a chance to reply. Viktor began to laugh at me and I felt something in my audibly snap. Without thinking, I wrenched my hand from James’s grasp and slapped Viktor across his face. His laughter abruptly stopped, and a sense of dread began to fill me as I realized what I had done. Yet my trepidation did nothing to diminish the rage that was consuming me from the inside. I was tired of being is toy; I wanted my life back. James reached out to pull me back as Viktor took a menacing step towards me.

            For a moment, it was completely silent. Viktor’s cold blue eyes glowered into mine, mirroring my sense of absolute loathing. Then Viktor’s hand slowly began its familiar ascent. I braced myself, ready to take the imminent blow when an arm shot out, and grabbed Viktor’s arm.

            “If you lay another hand on her, I will ruin you.” Blaze threatened in a low voice. Viktor and I both turned to Blaze in shock before Viktor reclaimed his sinister smile.

            “How exactly do you plan on doing that?” Viktor sneered. James’s arms reached around my waist pulling me back, away from Viktor.

            “I recently learned that these guards you’ve hired to help you do you dirty work actually don’t work for you. They work for your parents.” Blaze began, smiling as Viktor’s face began to pale. “Somehow I don’t think that your parents would appreciate your use of their valuable resources when I explain to them what you’ve done.”

            “As if they’d honestly believe you. You’re just a waiter. I’m their son!”

            “They don’t have to believe me. They have to believe your guards. The safety of their jobs depends on the success of your family’s operations. Since they work for your parents, it is their job to make sure that nothing stands in the way of success, not even their son.”

            “They wouldn’t.” Viktor said shakily.

            “Oh, I assure you Mr. Shellington. We would.” A faceless man said from somewhere behind Viktor. Grunts of agreement soon followed.

            “Let her go with a promise that you will never so much as dare to look at her again. You will never speak to her again and you will never touch her again. Do we have an understanding?” Blaze spoke, venom leaking into his every word. I didn’t understand why he was standing up for me now, but I was grateful.

            “Yes.” Viktor hissed, with a last glare in my direction before slowly turning around and heading back towards the hotel. The security guards soon followed his retreating figure, leaving me alone with James and Blaze.

            Blaze turned to look at me, almost smiling as he studied my expression. As if noticing the thousands of questions running through my mind he answered.

            “I needed the money Hailey. My parents weren’t able to make ends meet so I took a part time job here at the hotel as a waiter. Even with my help, we barely had enough money to get buy. I kept asking for more hours at work, but they didn’t need me. Viktor took notice and asked if I wanted to make some money on the side. I jumped at the chance.”

            “He knew that I was friends with you, that we’d dated. He said that he just needed to get you alone for a few days. That he needed help with something and that you could be the one to help. Meanwhile, Alex had filled me in on what they were planning to do. It was another job; another quick way to earn some cash so I agreed to help. When I saw it was you, I realized that I had the perfect opportunity. I could save you from kidnappers that wanted your money and deliver you to Viktor and receive my compensation. So I did it.” Blaze continued.

            “I didn’t know that he was going to treat you so badly but there was nothing I could do until I got my money. I needed this money Hailes. Tonight, after you agreed to marry him, he paid me. I’m sorry for all the pain I’ve caused you. I wish I could have helped you sooner.”

            “You bastard.” I cried, breaking his explanation. “I went through all of this because you needed money?”

            “Yes.” Blaze replied solemnly.

            “I would have given you all the money you needed and more if you just would have asked me. You know that. I loved you for Christ’s sake! How could you betray me like this?” I wondered.

            “I’ve never been a good guy Hailes. You deserve better than me.” Blaze said, avoiding my questions.

            “You’re damn right I do.” I agreed, breathing heavily as I felt the anger within me rise. I wanted to punch him. Scream at him. Do something to make him feel every ounce of pain that I had endured over the last few weeks. Fortunately, James did it for me. I didn’t notice as James released his hold on my waist to punch Blaze in the face. It wasn’t until Blaze was on the ground, holding his face in pain that I realized what was going on. I let James continue to pummel Blaze for a few moments more before I stopped him. James stood up straight and straightened his bloody knuckles, gazing at me uncertainly.

            “I’ve had enough violence in these last few weeks to last a lifetime. I’m done.” I replied with a shrug. My anger had faded once more and I wanted nothing more than to go home. The idea of home raced through my mind and excitement began to flood through my veins. With a renewed spirit I turned around, away from Blaze and let James guide me to a familiar BMW.

            James opened the door, revealing Alex sitting in the driver’s seat. I smiled at him gratefully, sliding across the seat as James joined me in the back.

            “Where to miss?” Alex joked, acting as the perfect chauffeur.

            “Home.” I said softly. Closing my eyes as I leaned back against my seat, I relaxed for the first time in a long time.

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