Chapter 6

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I quickly hid myself within the deep corridors that were near the back of Elrond's castle. I looked behind me to see if Kili followed me and breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't see him there. I sat down and wrapped my arms around my knees, slowly rocking back and forth as the numerous voices of the animal forms that resided within me tried to comfort me. "It's okay Wisteria, I'm sure he was just surprised." My eagle form sighed. "Yeah! He doesn't know what he's missing!" My puppy form yipped excitedly. "Perhaps he doesn't like us the same way. After all, his kind hates dragons." My hidden dragon form growled softly. I smiled and spoke softly to inhibit anyone from hearing me literally talking to myself, "He doesn't know that I can turn into a dragon just yet." My wolf form scoffed, "And here I was starting to like Kili." My lion form agreed with my wolf form, "I too have grown a liking to this Kili Durin. I also like the blonde brother Fili." I paused for a moment and thought to myself, Was Lindir then implying that both of the brothers looked at me that same way? My horse form snorted, "Of course he was! We all know that Lindir has always been right in his judgements of others." Both my dragon and my wolf nodded, "Lindir has always been correct. It is just a matter of time before the Durin brothers show their true feelings towards you Wisteria." My dragon form sighed solemnly, the same way that Kili had just moments before. I rolled my eyes, "Now you sound exactly like him." Dragon shrugged, "Is it then true to assume that you feel the same way for the Durin brothers?" I paused for a minute or two, pondering this thought. I shook my head as I began to block out my forms one by one, the last being my dragon, "I don't know. I'll just have to see for myself. Thank you all for your counsel." Each form gave its own form of goodbye as I completely shut everyone out of my thoughts. I stood up and slowly began to walk towards where now all of the company except for Thorin, Bilbo, and Balin were.

I sat near the entrance of the corridor, not realizing that it had now become night, and tried to stay out of the focus of both Kili and Fili. Bofur had a sausage in his hand and threw it to Bombur, which ultimately made the fat dwarf break the bench he was sitting on. I let out a small, but still noticeable to company, chuckle with made all the attention draw to me. Bofur was the first to speak, "Where have you been lass? We were afraid that you had gone for good." I shook my head, "I was simply checking on my weapons and cleaning them. Nothing of note Master Bofur." Seeing as the most pressing question of the night had been answered, the dwarves went back to their normal activities before I had walked in. It was then that I once again noticed two particular dwarves slide up next to me but this time on either side of me with Fili on my left and Kili on my right. Before they could either speak to me, I raised a hand to shush them, "Before you ask anything of me, know that I wasn't with Lindir." I saw both Kili and Fili sigh with slight relief. "Then what WERE you doing Wisteria? You left halfway through dinner." Fili asked while keeping a close eye on Kili who seemed very nervous. I shrugged, "Like I said to Bofur and the rest of the company, I was simply cleaning my weapons by myself." The blonde prince raised an eyebrow, "Really? Because nobody has touched the supplies since we have arrived I know for a fact." I snorted as I answered softly, "Okay fine! I wasn't cleaning my weapons, both of you should know that by now. I-I was talking to my forms." Now both of the brothers had a reason to be confused, "What do you mean, "You were talking to you forms"?" Kili asked softer than my previous answer. I smirked slightly as I leaned back against the wall of the entrance, "Each of my forms has some sort of mind of its own, you may say. They give me advice from time to time when I'm distressed or confused." They nodded as Fili asked, "So what were you asking them advice for?" I paused, thinking about the possible consequences of revealing my true feelings towards them, and finally spoke after a few moments of tense silence between us three, "They were talking to me about both of you. They each expressed an opinion and I took it into account." It was now Kili's turn to ask a question, "So, what did they say?" I chuckled at Kili's sudden burst of curiosity, "My forms definitely approve of both of you, in their own ways. The most outspoken of them were probably Eagle, Dog, Wolf, and Lion." I decided not to directly tell the brothers that I could turn into a fire breathing dragon like Smaug just yet. Fili then asked, "What did they say about us specifically?" I nodded to Fili, "Lion has supposedly taken a liking to both you and Kili, while Wolf favors Kili more. Eagle is more cautious about you and Kili since he is usually quick to judge. Dog simply likes you both equally." Fili smiled, "I don't know that your dog form likes us both the same, if you remember when we arrived and met that elven lord." I smiled as my eyes clouded slightly, "My dog form likes to pair itself with a specific person from time to time... Than again, most of my forms have paired up with several of you." Kili bounced restlessly like a child would, "Who do they pair with?" I let out another burst of laughter when I saw Kili's excitement about my animal forms, "Well, for instance, my wolf form mostly pairs with you while my lion form mostly pairs with Fili. My snow leopard form mostly identifies with Thorin, as he shares many attributes with him. My eagle form is paired for the most part with Gandalf, my horse with Elrond, etcetera."

"What's a snow leopard?" The dwarven brothers asked at the same time. I rolled my eyes as I morphed into my snow leopard form. Their mouths dropped at the sight of this form and smiled in awe. "Wow. Snow leopards are beautiful!" Kili gulped. Fili agreed with his little brother, "They are magnificent and noble-looking. I can see how it pairs with Uncle Thorin." I yawned, purposefully showing off some of my sharp canines, "I don't know about you two, but I am extremely exhausted from today. I am going to sleep now, what about you two?" Kili nodded while Fili let out a yawn, "We'll be shortly after you." I nodded and instinctively curled up around both of the princes, wrapping my tail around them.

*Kili's P.O.V*

I hesitated before fully relaxing into Wisteria's now sleeping form. Fili looked at me with a tired smile, "I guess we aren't going anywhere then." I let out a tired chuckle and yawned, "Her fur is pretty comfortable, I guess we could sleep here." Fili nodded, "It's not like we have much of a choice now do we?" He then paused, filling the air with an awkward silence, "What do you think she thinks of us? I understand early that she asked you to clean her sword?" I nodded in slight embarrassment, "Then I hesitated and she left without a word. She must of changed her mind, even if I wanted to court her." Fili shook his head, "If you wanted to court her, then why don't you ask her?" I blushed slightly, "I thought YOU were going to court her, that's why." It was now Fili's turn to blush as Wisteria's tail wrapped tighter around him slightly, "It's true, I do return the same feelings that you have for her. I-I just thought that she liked you better." I nodded while gesturing slightly to Wisteria's sleeping form that was wrapped around both of us, "But doesn't it seem she feels that same way about both of us? Uncle told us that two dwarves could court a single person, as long as she agreed to both of them." Fili yawned as he ended the conversation, "I just don't want to scare her off, after all, she might be both of our Ones." I nodded to myself as Fili drifted into a peaceful slumber, "Possibly. Dwarves only love once after all." Before I drifted into sleep myself, I saw the ghostly figure of a wolf, lion, and a dragon smiling back at me. "She feels the same as you do Kili son of Durin." The lion purred. The wolf nodded and wagged her tail profusely, "Just get a move on you two!" The dragon bowed slightly to me, "I will meet you soon, I'm sure Kili Durin. Don't be afraid of me." I acknowledged these three animals and realized they were ghosts talking to me right as they disappeared and flowed back into Wisteria. It wasn't too long after that sleep took hold of me.


Hey guys! So here's the next chapter and I'm sorry it's more of a filler chapter before the dwarves leave Rivendell, face the goblins and Azog, etc. Hope you all enjoyed it!

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