Chapter 1: Summer Paradise

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(A/N) Hi so this story is also available on AO3 and is a few chapters ahead, so I will try and get this up to the same point soon (hopefully a chapter every day or so?) Once to the same point hopefully it will be updated every 3 days. Hope you like it xx

*Connor's pov*

I was just leaving the house ready to go to the local pool for my morning swim, when I noticed it. The house next door had finally been sold. It had been on the market for months now, ever since the previous family had moved out when they'd found they were expecting another baby and needed more room. They'd only had small children so none of them fit with my (maybe slightly unrealistic) dream of finding my soulmate in the girl next door, but who knows I thought, maybe the new family would make that dream come true.

I'd be sat on my window seat and would happen to glance over (in a non creepy way of course..) and I'd see her. The girl of my dreams. Our eyes would meet and I'd know, I'd know that as soon as we met I'd have her unique soul mate mark etched onto my skin and my own (a small polaroid of the nights sky that had marked the skin on my right hip since the day I was born) on her. I shook my head trying to shake the lingering fantasy from my brain when I realized I'd been staring like a complete idiot at the for sale sign and headed off to the pool trying to forget the gaze of the gorgeous blue eyed girl of my dreams.

After some rigorous morning laps around the pool, I changed and decided I'd head off to the local coffee shop for my daily fix of caffeine. The welcoming tinkle of the bell and the smell of coffee wafted towards me, making me feel instantly at home. "Hey girl" called out the guy currently working behind the counter, other wise known as one of my best friends (although I often wondered why sometimes) Tyler Oakley. "Hey Ty, didn't know you were working today?" I called back, all the while internally cringing at his loud welcome. Luckily the shop was relatively empty, due to it being too late for the coffee addicts on their way to work and too early for all the fellow students who were making the most of their remaining summer, by not removing themselves from their beds till their stomachs were in need of sustenance. "Course you didn't" Tyler said while winking at me, by this point I'd reached the counter and just rolled my eyed at him. "But yea got a few extra shifts this week, gotta make the most of this last week before we go back to school and have no spare time" he continued "So, the usual?", I nodded pulling out my phone to check my social media accounts while I waited for him to finish making the drink. "One pumpkin spiced latte" Tyler called, snapping me out of my daydream and back to the real world. "Thanks, so what time do you finish then?" I asked while rummaging about in my pockets for my wallet. "Not till close I'm afraid Franta" Tyler replied, "ah well," I replied "ooh yea I almost forgot to mention but the neighbour's house has finally been sold" "oooh" Tyler grinned "let's hope they've got kids our age, our year needs some new hotties". That made me laugh, "Just cuz you've been through everyone in the year doesn't mean everyone else has" I said, "not everyone" he replied with a wink and a smirk plastered across his face "I mean when was your last girlfriend Con?", his question caught me off guard and caused me to freeze, I mean it had been a while but I hadn't realized Tyler or anyone else had noticed. After a minute of internal debate I managed to regain control of my brain and reply, "Let's not go down that route today hey? I'll let you know if the new family arrive so you can scout out their hottness", Tyler replies with a strict look and says "you'd better, I wanna be the first to know" then he grinned and said "see you around" and puts my money (that I'd eventually found and handed over) into the till. "Bye Ty" I call out as I head out of the safety of the shop and into the real world.

After my chat with Tyler I decided I should head home as it was nearly lunch and my stomach was beginning to grumble loudly, much to my embarrassment. It was almost 1 by the time I walked into my house, going straight into the kitchen and making myself a sandwich to quench the rumbling in my stomach. Walking past the living room I decided to go in and say hi as I realized most my family were in there with the tv on and most of them with phones out.
Once I'd sat down and had begun demolishing my sandwich, my mom looked up and asked "Hiya honey, good swim?", I nodded as I was unable to speak due to my mouth being currently stuffed with food. "I heard the new family will be moving in next door tomorrow" she continued, "Wait what? Thats fast isn't it?" I asked as I thought it took a couple weeks to sort out stuff ready for people to move in. However, when I looked at my mom she was obviously trying to contain her amusement for some reason, "you know the house has been sold for the last few weeks right?" She asked. Oops... Have I really walked passed that sign for weeks without noticing it? I pulled a sheepish expression at her and she can't contain her laughter anymore. Thinking I'd embarrassed myself enough for one day I quickly stuffed the remains of my lunch into my mouth and left to retreat to my room.

-later that day-

I cracked my eyes open, before quickly slamming them closed when the bright light assaulted my freshly awoken eyes. After keeping them tightly closed for few minutes, I slowly squinted them open to allow them to adjust to the bright light that was pouring out from my bedside lamp. Once I'd adjusted and woken up a bit more, I reached around to find my phone, turning it on to discover it was almost 3'o'clock in the morning. Great going Connor I think, you managed to fall asleep while on your phone without even turning the light off. Luckily, I had remembered to close my curtains so I didn't have to get up to close them. Although I did realise I was still in all my clothes so I pulled my jeans and top off and curled under my quilt and fell back asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

-the next morning-

I awoke again with the sunlight pouring in through the cracks in my curtains, I checked my phone and stared at it in confusion. The time read 12:37. I'd slept all morning! My alarm was meant to go off at 9 this morning, damn it. As I fell asleep at a weird time last night I must have forgot to set it. I slowly manoeuvred myself out of bed and stumbled towards my window. I opened the curtains mid-yawn so when I opened my eyes again I realized I was staring straight into next doors window, which now appeared to be occupied by a shocked, blue eyed boy. Fuck. I forgot they were moving in today. I've gotten used to the room opposite being empty, I'm gonna have to be aware of what I do now. I glance down and leap away from the window, what a night to decide to sleep shirtless. I grab a shirt off my floor (I really should tidy that soon) and move back towards the window and wave at the boy, who appears to have not moved an inch since I leap away from the window. I was stood like that for about a minute till he caught on and waved back, throwing me a hesitant smile. I decide that's enough socialising for one day and grabbed some clothes and headed into the bathroom for a shower. So much for my dream of my soulmate moving in next door, but I guess the universe knows what it's doing.

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