Chapter 8: Here comes the anxiety

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A/N: Hey so apparantly this chapter has been in my drafts for about a month and I forgot to publish it. I can't remember if I properly proof read it so I'm sorry for any mistakes xx

*Troye's pov*

Tutor soon passed with nothing of interest happening, the tutor was just going through general information, any new notifications and handing out some of the yearly planners to everyone. Once that session was over we had Maths, which me and Connor were slightly late getting to but luckily Tyler and Zoe were in our class so they managed to save a seat each, which meant that Connor was sat by Tyler and I was next to Zoe. The teacher soon came into the class and went through the register and when they got to my name she paused and said "Troye Mellet? You're new aren't you?". Which causes my heart to sink because you can just tell she's planning on dragging me up to the front of the class, which is like my worst nightmare. I mean everyone in this class doesn't want to hear me stutter out a hello and some basic facts about me which I can never come up with, as my brain just freezes when I'm put on the spot. I mean it's not only a Monday morning but it's the first day back so everyone's half asleep still, but I suppose I'm going have to answer her as her eyes are starting to scan the rows of students and Zoe has already nudged me with her elbow. "Yea I am" I finally say, causing more eyes to turn to face me. The teacher then proves my worst fears to be true bt saying "Sorry could you stand up so people can put a face to the name?", internally cringing at the awkwardness I slightly stand up hovering not far off my chair and mummer a quick "Hi" trying not to glance to much around the class, finally noticing me and my obvious discomfort she nods and I sink greatfully back into my chair.

The class then thankfully passes uneventfully and I manage to have some general conversation with Zoe, who seems to be lovely and makes me feel a bit more at ease by the end of the lesson. We find out that we both have music next, so once the lesson finishes we walk out togeather and head off to the lesson I am most looking foward to today.

We get to the lesson early ish and manage to get seats near to the back, luckily for me the teacher completes the register and doesn't even acknowledge the fact that I am new so I am allowed to happily stay unnoticed in my seat. The teacher then starts going through a summary of some of the work we'll be doing this term and says that we will be doing a paired project in which we have to try and produce our own song. Once he says this I can feel the look of terror come onto my face but I'm saved by Zoe who nudges and whispers to me "As you don't know anyone do you wanna work with me?" Turning to face her I smile gratefully and reply "Thanks yea that would be great" but I still need to work on calming my eratic heart beat and try to focus back on what the teacher is saying.

-later in the day-

By lunch time I was feeling very overwhelmed, I had met so many new people, teachers, new rooms, new lessons and simply the change in culture was a shock to the system. So I got some food and headed to the table the group had already claimed. I had just had drama with Tyler which was good fun as the teacher just went through the topics and stuff that we we're doing and some team games and stuff which as I with Tyler was really fun. I was starting to recognise more and more faces as well as the day went on. Once me and Tyler get to the table I spot a couple of spare seats near to where Connor is already sat. "Hey Con" I say in greeting to Connor and then scan the table to see who else is sat there. Other than him and Tyler I only recognise Joe and Caspar who are currently engaged in a heated discussion with each other about god knows what, so I glance at the others that are sat at the table but don't recognise them. So I reach across the table and tap Connor, who glances up at me questioningly, so I glance over to them and then back at Connor and mouth 'who are they?'. This takes him a minute to process what I said and then his face lit up in realization and says "Ooh yea Troye, this is Jim, Tanya and Louise" when their names are said they look over and smile at me "Guys, this is Troye" he continues, now gesturing at me so I smile and say "Hi", and am greeted with warm welcoming "hello"s. Once the greetings are exchanged I feel more comfortable sitting back and watching the group interact.

Not long into our lunch break I spot Zoe and Alfie walking towards the table and I smile in welcome as they pull up chairs. "Hey guys!" She cheerfully calls out, receiving similar replies back. Conversation soon continues but not knowing them that well I stay out of most of it and then I feel something tap my shins, thinking it was an accident as there are a lot of us surrounding this table, but then I feel it again. Thinking this is starting to look a lot less accidental I cautiously glance around the faces finding none looking suspicious, but then I glance back at Connor and see a slight smirk forming on his face. So to test my theory I reach my foot out and gently nudge his shins, as if it was accidental I can easily play it off as an accident while I was stretching my leg out. At first I get no response and I'm starting to think I imagined the whole thing but then I feel a foot nudge my leg again, proving that I was right all along. So I poke his shins again, slightly harder this time thou. Which inevitabley leads to an increasingly violent war and probably a bunch of bruises tomorrow. "You two are cute". That snaps me out of our little bubble and back to the real world. I look around trying to figure out who spoke, and spot a grinning Zoe (I should have guessed). Before I get the chance to reply Connor's beaten me to it "What do you mean?" He asks, at this Zoe seems to examine his face before then smirking and replying "Nothing nevermind" and then she started laughing at our confused expressions.

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