Chapter 3: Killing Time

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*Troye's pov*

It had been a few days since we had moved in and I had spotted the cute boy in next door's window. I had finally managed to unpack all of what seemed like millions of boxes that were piled up in my new room and I was semi happy with how it had turned out, it just needed a few tweaks and adjustments. As for the cute boy, I hadn't spotted him again (more's the pity), although it may have had something to do with me not getting out of bed till lunch time, by which point he appeared to have been up and out for a while. So no luck so far in that department.

Another thing I needed to sort out was getting a job somewhere local, as although I don't need much money I do need a certain income to allow for my lazy life of takeaways and the odd trip out. So as I had finally (mostly) sorted my room out, I decided to go out (I know wild life right?) to get the finishing touches to my room and see if anywhere suitable is hiring. So once I was up and had eaten, I got dressed and headed out to the local high street, after of course promising my mom that I'd take my phone (well duh) so that if I get lost I can contact someone.

Wondering around the shops was interesting, even if I did get lost a few times, there were just so many shops! I spent my afternoon browsing through bookstores, music shops and even the odd clothes shop (obviously I needed a new wardrobe for LA and my new school). After making a few purchases I decided I was in need of sustenance so I aimlessly walked around till I noticed a cute little coffee shop that was slightly off from the main road and headed into the shop.

The cafe had a very homely feel with booths dotted around the edge of the room, the radio tuned into the local pop radio station and the smell of coffee and baking cookies filling the room. Behind the counter was a guy who was around my own age, with mint green hair and a quiff to rival my own. He was currently chatting to another customer so luckily he didn't notice my gaze, that would have been awkward.

The guy behind the counter puts the customer's money in the till, glances up and notices me standing awkwardly by the counter. "Well hello there" he says cheerfully "Haven't seen you around here before?", "Only moved here a couple days ago" I reply smiling in response to his happy personality. "Oooh, like the accent, Australian right?" the guy says with a wink, I can feel my cheeks flush at his flirty nature, "Y-yep" I reply. He chuckles slightly at my awkwardness and then says "I'm Tyler by the way" while gesturing to a name badge on his apron that I had failed to notice (way to go Troye), "Troye" I reply with a grin. "So what brings you here today then Troye?" He asks, "You mean LA or the coffee shop?" I ask cheekily, "hmm.. let's go with the shop first, life history later" he replies with another wink, "Pumpkin spiced latte, please" I say. His face slides into a judgement smirk and he rolls his eyes and says "Not you as well", my face decides to pull a decidedly overly shocked expression and my hands make their way to my hips at the same time and I reply with "And what do you mean by that then?", his face falls at that and he looks a mixture of shocked and scared, but I can't keep a straight face any longer and burst out laughing. "You little shit" is all the reply I get out of him, "I thought you were meant to be nice to customers?" I manage to stammer out, once I'd controlled my giggles, "Well not all of them deserve my politeness" he says with fake (or at least I hope it is) offence and he begins to make the drink I'd ordered.

"Seriously thou, what did you mean by not you aswell? I'm curious?" I ask once Tyler placed the drink in front of me, "Ooh" he replies while chuckling "Nothing much, just my friend always orders these and they're just so stereotypically white girl that I have to take the piss out of him for it". His bluntness takes me by suprise and I almost snort with laughter at his reply, instead settling for a slightly more flattering laugh. That is until I realize he's inadvertently insulting me at the same time as his friend. I glare at him while he rings up the till "$4.45, please", I hand the money over and collect my drink, letting the hot cup warm my hands (and yes I know, it's summer and warm outside but my hands always seem to be cold regardless of the weather outside) while I waited for my change. "Here you go" Tyler says while handing over my change "oh and before you leave, as your new in town maybe I could give you my number and I could show you round some day?". Now that was not what I'd been expecting him to say, I felt like my thoughts were whirling around my head at 100mph, but then mid internal crisis I saw his wide smile drop slightly at my lack of response, "that'd be awesome thanks, err let me just get my phone" I hear myself say not quite processing what I'd said till after it came out my mouth. I unlock my phone, open up my contacts app and hand it over to him, I mean it's to late to back out now. Tylers grin widens as he quickly types the number in and hands it back, "see you round then Tyler" I call as I head back out onto the streets with my now toasty hands and decide to try and find my way back home.

*Connor's pov*

The last few days had actually gone to plan for once, and I'd woken up at 9 (as luckily I hadn't forgotten to set the alarm since the day the new neighbours arrived), headed off the pool for my morning laps, had had a few hours relaxing in the sun with some friends or taking photos, before then heading off to my job as a lifeguard at the pool. I felt like I was on a winning streak and was trying to figure out how long it might last.

I hadn't seen Tyler in a few days so I decided that as I'd just started my hours break at work I'd head down the street to the coffee shop and see if he was working at the moment, if not, well I needed my caffeine fix anyway to make it through the rest of the day. So I walked the few minutes to the shop and as I was about to reach out to open the door it was pulled open from the inside, so I quickly leaped to the side to avoid being scalded by the guy's drink. I'm not even sure he noticed me standing there but ah well least he didn't walk into me. I walk into the shop to see that Tyler is in fact working today and that he is currently lent on the counter gazing at the space by the door. I reach the counter and he still hasn't noticed me so I click my fingers as loud as I can in front of his face. He leaps up from his slouched position and glares at me, while I simply laugh at his startled expression. "What were you staring at then Ty?" I ask still barely containing my chuckles, "ooh I dunno.. maybe the hot dude who just walked out of here, with my number in his phone" he replies with a smirk. "Haha good for you Ty" I say, and then proceed to get my coffee order while half listening to Tyler gossip about this guy Tyler had just met.

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