Chapter 5: Pressure

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A/N So I am really sorry it's been so long, I kind of lost motivation to upload on here, but I am going to try and make time to upload on here aswell as Ao3 x

*Troye's pov*

Head still fuzzy from sleep, I hear my phone alarm buzzing on my bedside table and aimlessly throw my arm out to try and muffle the sound or turn the alarm off. After multiple attempts I manage to hit the snooze button and collapse back on the bed for a few more minutes of sleep. But all to soon I hear it begin to buzz again and decide I actually have to get out of bed now, I mean it is half 12... but I was up till like 3am browsing through tumblr so I do have a slight excuse for not wanting to get up.

I stumble over to the window, pull the curtains open and squint against the bright light. The sun is bright and there's a bright, clear blue sky, I take a minute to just take in my new view in all its glory. I then head downstairs to see if I can scrounge any pancakes or waffles from the kitchen. When I get down there a grin spreads across my face as I spot a plate piled high with pancakes with a note saying: 'Help yourself, gone out sightseeing for the day be back for dinner. Love mom' I grab another plate and pile a couple on, leaving some for my siblings (see I can be a good brother sometimes). I then grab a bottle of syrup out the cuboard and cover the pancakes in it.

After wolfing down the pancakes I head back upstairs to get dressed, today going for some black skinny jeans, a light blue shirt and a thin dark blue jumper. I made sure that I was looking relatively smart as I was going to the coffee shop for my interview today. This meant I had to sort my hair out from the tangled bed head js now to a styled to perfection quiff. Once satisfied I check the time, seeing that it's about 2'o'clock so I pull on my shoes, grab my (newly cut) keys and my wallet and head out the door, calling out with a goodbye incase any of my siblings wonder where I am (which is unlikely really).

It takes me a while to find the coffee shop again, so I'm glad I left myself an hour to get there otherwise I would have been late. I finally manage to make it to the door at 2:45, which gives me time to grab a coffee and look punctual for the job. The bell rings out when I push the door open and I head up towards the counter to order my drink and let Tyler know I'm here.

After an enthusiastic welcome from Tyler, I had made myself comfy in one of the booths with my coffee and my phone when a woman who I presumed I was the manager of the shop came out from the back room, asked a quick question to Tyler when she passed looked up at me and walked over to the booth I had claimed. "Hi there I'm Colleen, the manager. Would you like to come through to the backroom so we can discuss the job details and get to know you a bit?" She asked when she reached the booth. She was younger than I had been expecting, had a bright smile on her face her eyes sparkled showing that the smile on her face wasn't there just for the customer's (either than or she was hiding her sadness extrordinarily well). So I nodded, finished the last swig of my drink and headed out of the booth towards the backroom, when I passed Tyler he shot me a reassuring smile and mouthed 'good luck' at me.

-later that day-

"I GOT A JOB!" I cry out to my family all of whom had gathered around the dinner table waiting with antisipation for my 'big anouncement' as I had called it. Matching grins now spread across all their faces and I was smothered by hugs and "well done"s and "congratulations". "When do you start?" My mom asks (ever the practical one), "well they're gonna train me over the next week and then I'll officially start the first Saturday in September" I reply, "Sounds good, where is this job then?" my mom asks. Oops.. I forgot I hadn't mentioned where the job was yet. "It's at a coffee shop near the shops" I tell them, receiving nods and smiles of approval in response.

After sharing the good news I decide it's time to go back to hibernating in my room and browsing the internet, so I steal some pringles from the kitchen cuboard and head upstairs. I shuffle around a bit till I'm nice and comfy and cosy and then open up my phone and decide to text Connor and share the good news with him.

Troye:~ Guess what?!

Connor:~ You found a snail in the garden, named him Gary and am now keeping him as a pet?

Troye:~Hahaha close but not quite

Connor:~ What a shame I'll miss Gary

Troye:~ Moving on from our hypothetical pet snail called Gary, I GOT A JOB!

Connor:~WOOOO!!! CONGRATULATIONS! Where abouts?

Troye:~ Thanks! A coffee shop near the high street

Connor:~Nice, so when you gonna be working?

Troye:~ Training this week and then most Saturdays

Connor:~ Ooh once your settled I'll have to pop in to see you one day

Troye:~ Haha I bet you're just hoping I'll break something so you can laugh at me

Connor:~What?! Me? Never!!

Troye:~ Haha sure, you keep saying that ;P

Connor:~ I will! But I'm afraid I gotta get back to work now

Troye:~Aah ok, talk to you later then

Connor:~Yep, bye

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