Chapter 4: Numbers

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*Troye's pov*

Contact: Tyler aka Hot coffee shop guy

Troye:~Hey Tyler, that's an interesting contact name you set for yourself ;) Troye

Tyler:~Well hello there Troye ;) there's nothing wrong with that name! or are you doubting my hottness?! *gasps*

Troye:~ No no of course not ;) I wouldn't dare! Just gonna be awkward if any of my family sees it

Tyler:~Good! You'd better not! Haha well I could've done a LOT worse

Troye:~Really? I doubt it could be that bad ;P

Tyler:~Ooh believe me it could be SO much worse than that

Troye:~Alright I don't think I want to get you to test out that fact so I'm just gonna agree ;)

Tyler:~YES! I WIN!

Tyler:~So you gonna be in town again anytime this week? ;)

Troye:~Haha, probably gonna be in tomorrow, still need to try a find a job somewhere

Tyler:~Ooh what type of job you looking for?

Troye:~Anything really, hopefully something relatively easy that I can do at the weekends when I'm back at school

Tyler:~Well if you pop in the cafe tomorrow I might be able to set you up with an interview if your interested? ;) Someone left over the summer and we haven't found a replacement yet

Troye:~Really?! Thank you! That'd be awesome :D

Tyler:~No problem I'm sure you'll fit right in ;) Anyway with our combined hottness people will be flocking into the store

Troye:~Not sure I'm really gonna help that much

Tyler:~You're doubting my judgement again! Just shut up and take a compliment ;)

Troye:~Fine, anyway I gotta go, what time should I be at the cafe tomorrow?

Tyler:~Sure, see you around 3 ish?

Troye:~Perfect, see you then :)

I hope he wasn't to put off by me leaving so soon but he is so flirty and I'm not really used to guys being so forward (presuming I'm not making false assumptions of course) and I only moved here a couple days ago so do I really want to start a new relationship? Plus I don't even know the guy. And I have no idea what my new schools gonna be like about that sort of stuff? But sitting here thinking isn't gonna help anything so I might as well just push it to the back of my mind and ignore it (like I do most other important stuff..). So I decide go and tell my parents the good news about the job possibility. Although... Maybe I should wait and just tell them when I've got the job (if I get it)? That would probably work. Save me going through the embarrassment of saying I didn't get it if I get regected. So instead I'll just get a pizza and find something on netflix to watch. Evening sorted.

*Connor's pov*

I get back from my job at the pool at around 6 as I've been working till close this week and walk up to my room to get changed into something more comfortable than my uniform. I pull my shirt off as I walk across the room to my chest of drawers, realizing only after I'd thrown the shirt to the other end of the room that my curtains were still open (this is gonna take a lot of getting used to). I grab one of my large, comfy hoodies and pull that over my head and look out the window to check that the other boy hadn't happened to have been at the window at that moment. I cringe when my eyes lock with the blue eyed boy in the neighbouring house. Just my luck, he looks like he was about to close his curtains and for some reason I decide that I need to talk to him, well mostly to apologise for not remembering that he's there.

I doubt he'll stay standing there long so I wave at him and quickly search my room for something suitable. I spot a pad of paper and a sharpie from my pen pot on my desk and write out a bold 'hello' on it and hold it up to the window. I worry he's not going to respond and just leave me hanging but then he ducks his head down and rummages around for something (presumably a pen and paper). A minute later he holds up his own page which says 'Hey there, I'm Troye', I nod and then get a fresh page and boldly write 'Connor and I'm 18' and hold it up to the window again, he smiles and starts writing again, 'Same, you lived here long?' he holds up. I respond with 'All my life, where you from?', and watch for his reply, after a min it appears as 'Perth, Australia'. I have to read that again as surely he hasn't moved that far, but no the words still say the same the second time I read them. I try and think of a suitable reply to that but my brains gone blank for a second, after a couple minutes I manage to come up with 'Cool, bit different from here I bet' and hold it up. He reads it and then goes back to his paper, he takes a few minutes with his reply and eventually holds up a page saying 'definatley, running out of paper thou text me? 07846291573' the numbers written as clearly and boldly as possible (that must be what took the time when he was writing it). I get my phone out my pocket and type the number into it, hoping that I copied it down right and that I won't end up texting some random person.

Connor:~ Hello again Troye

Troye:~ Hey Connor

Connor:~ So are you going to Los Angeles High School in September?

Troye:~I am actually :) is that where you go?

Connor:~Yea, it's pretty decent I guess sound really enthusiastic about it

Connor:~Well there are certain groups you want to stay away from but in general the people are lovely

Troye:~Wow that really eased my mind...

Troye:~So are you one the lovely people? ;)

Connor:~I'd like to think so ;)

*few hours later*

Me and Troye had been texting on and off throughout the evening about everything and nothing (mostly the latter really). I told him about my love of photography, my job as a lifeguard and my swimming, and he told me he loved music and had had a few minor roles in movies when he was a kid (which sounded awesome to me). We chatted about our siblings and families and then the important stuff such as the best type of chocolate and breakfast foods and whatever other random questions were on our minds. I mean there were a few awkward points were we asked something the other didn't want to share but overall we seemed to get on amazingly well considering I hadn't actually met him.

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