Chapter 2: Roads

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(A/N) Ok so I forgot to mention last chapter but I'd like to thank NachoAcos for the awesome cover art x

*Troye's pov*

We'd packed all the non-important stuff up in the house like a week ago and sent it off, so that it should, fingers crossed, get to our new house at the same time as we do. So we'd been living in a basically empty house, with only the bare necessities and I couldn't wait to get to our new house and have access to all my stuff again.

We were moving from Perth in Australia as my dad had been offered a much better job in his company, only catch was it was all the way in LA. So not only was I leaving behind every single person I'd ever met, but I'd be moving so far away that I doubt I'll ever see most of them again. Which if I'm being honest totally sucks. But of course I have to put on a happy face and pretend I'm super excited for the move (can you hear the sarcasm in my voice? Because apparantly my family can't). I mean I suppose it'll be nice to meet new people and I suppose I have always dreamed about what living in America would be like.. but still.

We're set to leave today, so my best friend Kayla is coming to the airport with us to say goodbye, which is not something I'm looking forward to. I mean, she's been there for me literally my whole life, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to cope without her just.. always being there.

We get to the airport a few hours early and we sit in the departures lounge, well Kayla was sitting I was more lying down with my head in her lap. I was tired and stressed don't judge me.. well I might have been .. I'm just gonna miss her alright. The hours pass in what feels like only couple minutes, filled with mindless random chatter and comfortable silences. All to soon though we get the call to board our plane. So we gather our bags togeather and me and Kayla gripped each other in a tight hug. We clung on tight to each other and I felt a tear run down my cheek and my shoulder feels damp from the tears running down her face. We must have stood like that for longer than I realized, as next thing I know the loud speaker was calling out for final boarding for our flight. We reluctantly parted, promised we'd Skype and text as soon as I arrived and we grabbed our bags and headed onto the plane with a final wave goodbye.

-After the flight-

I awoke to a loud, excited cry from my mom "That's it! Thats our new house". I leaped up in my seat and stared out the window in the direction she was pointing. I may have my reservations about moving but wow the house and neighbourhood looks amazing. I couldn't stop staring. The taxi pulled up next to the house and we all leaped out and ran towards the door. My mom was rummaging around in her purse for our new house keys, my dad went to empty the taxi of our bags and pay the driver, while me and my siblings hopped impatiently from foot to foot near the door. She eventually digs the key out and unlocks the door and we all race in to explore as only my mom and dad had viewed the house before (as they'd gone on a trip here about a month ago to find a house).

-a few hours later-

We'd all claimed our rooms and had dragged all our stuff into them, I'd got one of the best sized rooms although it could end up being awkward depending on what the room in the neighbour's house was used for, as I now have a direct view into it. Not that I could see anything in it as no-one had bothered to open the curtains since we'd arrived, so maybe it wasn't used much? Either that or the person sleeping in there was doing just that, sleeping. Which will probably be me till school starts in a week or two.

As I was sat there in my swivel chair staring into space (I was meant to be unpacking but I felt I'd done enough work for the morning, I mean the boxes were at least in the right room now), I was jolted back to reality when the curtains to the room I had been staring at opened to reveal a shirtless guy. He looked around my own age and wasn't bad on the eyes either, he must work out or something to get those abs, (I would do the same but eugh exercise *internal shudder*). Moving my eyes up from his bare chest I realize that the guy had noticed me staring and so he quickly leaped away from the window.

A minute later he reappeared by the window, this time clad in a rumpled t-shirt, which I thought still fitted him fabulously. I wonder what the chances are that the universe has given me a cute, gay neighbour? I mean back home it was no secret that I was gay, I'd been out since I was 15 and everyone around me had been nothing but supportive. The only problem was everyone just seemed to view me as the 'gay best friend', which could get tedious at times. Not that I'm saying I never had dates... they just never went anywhere. Maybe I'm just too much of a perfectionist and was expecting any guy I dated to be perfect or I guess my soulmate. But I suppose I'll be meeting a lot of new people now, maybe one of then will be the one. The one who'll get a silver moon and stars etched onto their skin to match the one I have on my ankle. Fuck.... The guy next door has been waving at me while I've been staring into space during my daydream into the world of fantasy. It's probably too late to make a good impression but I might aswell try, so I wave back and the returning goofy smile in the cute guy's face causes a slight nervous smile back from me. Seemingly happy by my response the cute guy walks away from the window again.

Maybe I will like living here after all.

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