Chapter 9: Movie

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*Troye's pov*

I feel more relaxed as soon as I walk through my front door. I dump my shoes and bag, and head into the kitchen to get a drink and a snack. "Hiya honey, how was your first day?" My mom asks excitedly, "Good, but very overwhelming." I reply, "Make any nice friends?" She continues, "Well it turns out Tyler from work goes there and Connor introduced me to his friends so yea, they're pretty cool." I reply, hoping that now I can slip out to my room and just go on my laptop for the rest of the evening. Luckily she seems satisfied by my answers, "That's great honey." I take that as my cue to leave and head upstairs. Once I reach my room I put the food I'd scrounged from the kitchen down and dig my phone out my pocket now that I finally have wifi again to check to see if anyone has decided to message me. To my suprise I have a couple messages from Kayla.

Kayla:~ Hey how're American schools then? Xxx

Kayla:~ Hope you've not replaced me already xxx

Kayla:~ I'm kidding I'm sure you've already made a whole gang of new friends xxx

Kayla:~ Skype me when you get back :) xxx

After searching on Google for the timezone difference between here and Australia it comes up saying it's about 8 / 9 in the morning so I might just catch her before she's off to school so I quickly type out a message to her.

Troye:~ Heya :) it's huge like there's so many people it's insane! And of course not! I could never replace you, I have met some cool people which hopefully might become friends thou :) and yea we have to figure out a good time to Skype xxx

Suprisingly I get a reply pretty quickly, I mean I've only had time to grab my laptop and log in before I hear my phone go off again.

Kayla:~ Naww thanks, glad you found some friends so quickly. I have about 20 minutes till I have to leave if your free? Xxx

Troye:~ Course I am, laptops already on ;) xxx

Kayla:~ What a suprise ;P xxx

The laptop by this point had now logged on and I click onto Skype. As soon as that loads I click on to call her and she accepts pretty much instantly.



"Aaah it's so good to see you, how've you been?"

"Good thanks, got myself a job, met new friends at school and am finally happy with how my room looks. What about you?"

"Alright, missing you though"

The next 15 minutes pass by in only a moment as Kayla tells me all about the new gossip that she found out at school and I tell her all about my new friends and all the weird things about America.

"So how's that cute boy you spotted next door then hmm?" She says smirking.

"What Connor? Ooh he's fine, he gave me a lift to school actually" I say trying to prevent any redness from spreading across my cheeks, and probably failing spectacularly.


"What? Nothings happening between us"

"Not yet maybe"

My attempt at not blushing has now completely failed.

"So who is it that's messaging you right now?" She says smirking, causing me to realise that my phone is vibrating quite regularly. "Hmm I dunno" I mumble to myself as I reach across to check it. "So?.." she asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2016 ⏰

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