Chapter 7: Talk!

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(A/N): So I should probably appolagise, I had completely forgotten I'd got this story on here... I would probably recommend you reading it on AO3 if you're interested as I'm upto chapter 29 on there. But if you want to keep reading on here then I will try and start updating it again but the last few chapters have basically just been when someone has commented and so reminded me that this story exists on here x

*Connor's pov*

Once we were both settled in the car, I start driving and tell Troye to choose a radio station to listen to. While he's flicking through the channels I focus on my driving until he speaks up, "We're not gonna be late are we?", he sounds kind of scared so rather than teasing him I decide to put his mind at rest, "Nah should be fine, I left plenty of time for us to get our timetables and stuff but that won't take two secs, so we'll be fine". I must have been right about his nerves as he now let's out a relieved sigh and a smile starts to spread across his face. "That's good, see why can't I be as organised as you?" He asks, his voice sounding almost teasing. Well two can play at that game I think, "Well I mean not everyone can be as perfect as me." I tease, I can feel the smirk start to creep onto my face. "Sure Con, whatever you say" he says in between sniggers, "Uh rude" I say. The radio then starts playing another song which Troye obviously approves of, as he starts quietly humming and tapping his fingers on his knee to the beat. He looks so taken by the music that I decide to let him stay in his own little bubble without interuption from me.

It's not long till we reach the school, but when I pull up into a parking space Troye has zoned out enough not to notice till I've parked and cut the engine, and then that's only because it stopped the radio from playing. He looks up startled and glances around, he looks so out of it that I can't contain my laughter anymore. "So this is it then?" Troye asks once I've regained my composure, "Yep, come on." I say as I'm reaching round to the backseat to grab my bag. Troye grabs his bag and we head out of the car, me making sure that the car is locked up securely before we head inside to collect out timetables.

I check the time on my watch and realize that I was right and we did have plenty of time to collect our timetables. So I lead the nervous Troye into the school and towards the office, where we give our names and receive our timetables. Once we're outside of the office I pull him into the canteen to see if my friends were here yet, so that we could compare our lessons.

*Troye's pov*

My eyes widen in shock when we enter the canteen, as the noise and sheer number of people is insane. I realize that either my school in Australia had been small or this place was huge as there had been nowhere near this many people there. I move a bit closer to Connor as the last thing I want right now is to lose him in the throngs of people here, as I have no idea where my lessons are or how to get to them. I glance over to Connor, who appears to be scanning the room for his friends, and then a large grin appears on his face so I presume he's spotted them. He ushers me forward and hurriedly heads off towards them.

We reach the table which appears to be a group of around five people, all but one of whom are guys. One face in particular stands out due to his mint green hair and familiar face which is currently facing away from us in a conversation with one of the other guys. The rest of the group glance up and shouts of "Connor!" and other varying welcomes are called out. Connor's grin widens as he greets them all and then he pulls me forward and says "Guys, this is my new friend Troye," at this Tyler turns around and his eyes widen when he see me, "Troye! You didn't tell me you were coming here!". "Haha I know, how did we manage not to not realize we were going to the same school?" I reply, happy to have found another friend here at school. This causes Connor to turn to face me in confusion "You know Tyler?" he asks, "Haha yea he works at the coffee shop with me,". "Huh" he says, obviously still trying to process this new information. "Well anyway, shall I introduce you to everyone or have you already met them aswell?" He asks teasingly, "Nope your gonna have to do the honours" I reply, hoping that I'm going to be able to remember their names. "Alright so we have Caspar, Joe, Tyler, but obviously you already know that, then we have Alfie and Zoe" he says while gesturing to each person when he says there name. They all smile and say hello to me, so we sit down on the free seats at the table. I try and memorise their name and faces as best I can when Zoe (being the only girl I think I stand the best chance of remembering her name) starts talking to me "So Troye, where are you from then?", "Perth in Australia" I reply, "Wow what made you move here then? If you don't mind me asking?" She asks, "My dad got offered like his dream job or something, so we all followed and moved here a few weeks ago." I tell her, "So how do you know Connor then?" Her question making me realize that yea Connor hadn't mentioned how he knew me when he was introducing me to everyone. "Ooh I moved in next door to him," I tell her, "aw that's cool" she says and looks like she's going to continue with this conversation but she's interupted by Connor "So where's your first lesson then Troye?". Ooh yea I have to figure out where I'm actually going don't I? I reach into my pocket and pull out the timetable and hand it over to him, as it doesn't mean much to me.

Connor got out his own timetable and placed it next to my own and started comparing the two. "Ooh you've got tutor with me, and we've got all the core subjects together but I don't do music and drama," Connor says, I'm relieved that we have lots of classes togeather but I hope that someone from the rest of the group is in my others so I don't have to be the loner that no one knows. Now that we'd compared schedules, the group split each heading off to their tutor rooms, it turns out that Caspar and Joe are in our tutor but everyone else is in other tutors. Heading off towards our tutor room I decide to try and find out more about Caspar and Joe, "So are you guys from round here?" I decide to ask, Caspar answers me first saying "I am yea, but he isn't" while nodding his head in Joe's direction. "Yea, me and Zo moved here a few years ago from England," Joe states, "Wait, you and Zoe?" I ask as I don't remember anyone mentioning anything about them two being linked in any way, "What? Oh yea she's my twin sister," he says before then directing his question at Connor "You didn't mention us to him? I'm offended." Caspar then playfully shoves Joe and says "Hey what about me don't I deserve to be mentioned to Troye aswell?" Joe then starts laughing and returns the shove, "You? Who'd want to hear about you?" He says teasingly, Caspar then pulls a shocked and pained expression and holds his hand above his heart, but the only response from Joe is another playful shove and a "Oh shut up you oaf", Caspar's expression then changes to a large smirk "Anyway, in answer to your question you do, you love me" to which Joe simply scoffs. As they seemed to have abandoned me and Connor for their own conversation I lean towards Connor and whisper "I feel like I'm intruding on something here", Connor chuckles at that and replies with "Tell me about it, I always feel like I'm third wheeling around them". However our conversation appears to have caught their attention as Joe calls back "We're not deaf you know", but while I had frozen not knowing how to carry on Connor simply laughs "Oh hush, you know every one loves you two together". "Are they togeather then?" I ask curious as to whether it's just playful teasing or if Connor's serious. "Well it depends what you believe they say their not but we're not so sure sometimes" Connor says, aah so they're not a couple then, at least not offically it seems. "Again, we're still not deaf, keep your speculations to yourself, we don't need our every move over analysed by another person, we have enough of that already". I decide to risk joining in with their teasing and input into the conversation "Sorry I'm on their side, I think you'd be cute togeather". That causes them both to turn around and roll their eyes at me "You're a bad influence you know that Con" Joe says, which causes me and Connor to burst out laughing as he's too much of a softy to be considered a bad influence to anyone.

After that we soon reached our tutor room and went in and found some seats. After sitting there for a few minutes the room begins to fill up with more people, some of whom greet us and others who don't acknowledge our existence. The teacher soon comes into the room "Hello class, hope you had a good summer" and receives a few mummered replies and general nods of acknowledgement, before then she sits at the desk, opens up the computer and starts taking a register. Once everyone had answered I was starting to think she wasn't going to mention me but I had no such luck "So as some of you may have noticed we have a new student this year, and I hope you'll give Troye a warm welcome to the school" at this nearly every face in the class turns to face me. I try and smile at people but it probably turns out more like a grimace and only once most people have lost interest in me can I begin to relax again. I suppose at least she didn't call me up to the front of the class to introduce myself. But I had a feeling I wouldn't escape that awkwardness in most of my lessons.

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