Before the Wedding

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Author's Note: Some Jakku fun facts from 

...Not all residents were scavengers however, with the isolated villagers of Tuanul worshiping the Church of the Force, an underground faith of Jedi worshipers hiding from first the Old Empire and then the growing First Order.

Nearby worlds to Jakku included Ponemah Terminal and Ogem.  


P.S. The list of names in the chapter is just for fun so if I left anyone out that is a regular reader I'm so sorry XP 


"Your mom wants you to look over the guest list," Finn says to me over the hum of our desert speeders.

"Why?" I ask. "I won't know anyone on it." I look ahead, across the hot desert. ."Are you sure this is where the Jedi worshippers are?" I stop my speeder and jump off. As I start to walk I notice that the sand drops down into canyons below. We're standing on a mesa, the southern Buttes of Jakku.

Finn stops his speeder too and gets off. He removes his head covering, looking a lot more overheated than I am. "I think your mom is hoping you won't recognize any of the names on the list, from the First Order at least," Finn says, pulling out his small port reader. "RSVP is through military identification passport codes only." He wipes his forehead. "News of your wedding is getting around fast and people are flying in from all over, wanting to attend."

I sigh. "I thought it was supposed to be a small event."

"It is." Finn hands me the port reader. "Here's the short list."

I remove my head covering and glance at the names,

Chewbacca, Connor, Raidraiar, Zaczy, MJ Pereson, Lexy Treece, Chiharu Okabe, Ica, Alexa, Wen Shuang, Viva, Sara, Taylor Sweet, Peparuiz, Lisipadme, Peggy R, Korvescence, Hagane, Mary, Amaris

Even the droids are listed, R2D2, BB-8, C-3P0, Kanzieb77, Bella7, dms1121.

"Looks fine to me." I hand Finn back his reader and take off my desert Robe to let my skin breathe. The jump down to the bottom of the Buttes is a bit far, but I can slow my fall using the Force. I turn to Finn.

"I'll wait up here," he says, looking down.

I nod and then jump, slowing my fall before I hit the bottom.

The air is instantly cooler in the shade of the mesa, and the ground is sticky like clay. The sound of trickling water bounces off the sand stone walls around me. I take a deep breath of air, there's no sand blowing here and it's quite refreshing. The skin on my arms feels tight with too much sun exposure and the cool air soothes it. Finn warned me to cover up this morning but it wasn't hot out when we started heading to the Southern regions to find the Jakku church of the Force. Mom asked us to come here and find a Jedi Master to preside at our ceremony.

"We've been expecting you." A man in a Jedi robe stands in the shadows watching me. He removes his hood revealing a head of silver grey hair. He reminds me of Dukath and I frown.

"I came to ask for a Jedi Master that could preside at a wedding ceremony," I say.

"We at the church of the Force don't seal marriages," the man replies.

I had already guessed as much, but mom wanted us to come, likely to keep us busy while her and Rey are away at Ogem, a neighbouring planet with a busy trading outpost that has fabrics and tents and other such things that Mom wanted for the wedding. Although none of that really matters, the trip is mostly to keep Rey away while her parents recuperate and regain their strength at the infirmary where they are being treated for prolonged exposure to the dark blue crystal. I haven't even seen them yet. Not that I've made an effort to. Snoke's words still haunt me from the grave, that I've spoiled Rey's heritage as a princess somehow, by just being who I am, or who I once was.

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