Chap. 1:The Move to Phoenix Drop

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Saturday, 6:00 AM

Aphmau P.O.V

Hi my name is Jessica Aphmau Phoenix Odisson Lorde, I know very long name. I have a pup named Thorgi that is barking happily at our new place. Me and my two 16 year old Bros Jin and Aaron are helping me unload the last boxes from the moving van to our new hous- err Manor. (Pic above) "I call Biggest Room!" I yell. "I call second biggest room!" Jin yelled. "First one there gets the biggest room!" Aaron yelled. Jin got out his hoverboard. Yes Hoverboard. 2 out of three of us are inventors so we tend to invent things before they are discovered. Aaron just started running and I ran in with Rocket Boots. "I win, again!" I yelled in victory. "C'mon, you always win!"Jin complained. Thorgi barked in agreement. "Unpack later, park now." I said. "But don't forget your cloak, you know what happened last time in O'khasis High" Aaron reminded. Last time in O'khasis high, when the school saw my face, boys kept on askin' me on dates non-stop and the nerds are suspicious that I'm a descendant of Lady Irene, which I am. "Let's just use the teleporter to get there, it'll be easier and faster to get there." Aaron said. I grabed my sword, money, Soccerball and cape and we teleported to the park. At the park we split up. Jin went to the fountain to get something, Aaron went who knows where, being Mr. Anonymous and I went to play soccer. A few minutes later 3 boys came and asked if they could play. "Sure, first to 5," I said. "But first, names." "I'm Garroth, the Brunette is Laurance and the Blue Head is Dante." the blonde said. Thorgi positioned himself at the sidelines.

~Time Skip To After game brought to you by Fluffle Puff~
"I win!" I said. "When were you so good at soccer?" Garroth said. "Since I was 4" I replied. Thorgi raced to me and knocked me down, revealing my appearance.

Yas! Finally I have finished this first chapter, tell me in the comments how I did 'cause this is my first book. For now, stay fabulous Fanmau!😋
Evil cliffhanger is here to eat my stories, as always. So I gotta go defeat it to get the next part out. 😂
(I'm writing this in school)


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