Chap. 5: Shadow Knight?!

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Monday, 1:00

Aphmau P.O.V.  
(A/N Shadow Knight pic is up top)
The feeling I have is getting strong the closer I get to the huge cherry blossom tree. When I got there I saw a  shadow knight pointing a demonic broadsword at Ross. Instincts kicked in, literally. I kicked the sword out of his hand and blocked Ross. Once the S.K (Shadow Knight) looked at me he grinned. "Heh, looks like you're still as powerful as you were the last time I saw you, Je-" I cut the S.K off. "What are you here for, Uncle?" I growled. People gasped and some had looks of fear on their face. "You know what I'm here for, A-" I cut him off again. "And I'm never gonna give you it." I growled in reply. We started sparring. Every time he slashed I did a backflip, every time I hit he dodged. When he let his guard down, I strike and he disappears into the nether. In the battle, he managed to pull my cloak down before he dissapeared. All the boys were staring, but I don't know if it's because of my face or because I defeated a shadow knight. "Aph, thank you so much!" That was all I heard before I passed out completely.

Aaron P.O.V
When I sensed the shadow knight presence, I could tell Jin had to. We are now official PBs, so I left the table and started running towards the cherry blossom tree. Jin pulled out his hoverboard and flew beside me. When we got there Aph was fighting our uncle, the Shadow Lorde. She won but her hood was pulled of so every boy was staring at her. We ran/hover boarded towards her and she fainted. "Ross, carry her to the nurse's office, now!" I said, worried. Ross picked her up and carried her bridal style toward the nurse's office. I could see at least 234 boys give Ross the jealous look. Soon the bell rang so everyone went to their classes and kept on talking about the event. I followed Ross to the nurse's office.
I just hope that she will be okay.

And Bam, another chapter done, cause I have freaking math school at the evening so can't update then.
As always have a nice day Fanmau, bye!


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