Chap. 28: Talents At It's First

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Friday, 6:45

Aphmau P.O.V
I wake up and take out my phone to look onto YouTube. I look up Dimensions High Halloween and loads of videos popped up. I even found a video of my group doing our simulator! Probably Freddy, which reminds me, I need to figure out who he is. I turn off my phone and walk to my closet. I take out:

I go take a shower and put my clothes on

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I go take a shower and put my clothes on. I summon a food bowl for Thorgi and The Bird. Something is weird about the bird, it has a fire aura around it. I ignore the feeling and go downstairs to make some PB&J sandwiches. Aaron and Jin come down and I hand them their sandwiches. We all teleport to school because today we're lazy, but mostly me. I walk into school and check the notice board for anything new. My eyes land on a particular poster. A Talent Show poster. I see that auditions start today after school in the auditorium so I'll keep that in mind. I go to music class and sit down in my usual seat. "Okay class, if you have not noticed the posters I'll tell you now. There is going to be a talent show so if you want to sign up, auditions are in the auditorium after school!" Ms. Cupquake says and some kids celebrate. Well, onto the lessons.

~Time Skip to Lunch~
"Aph you should totally try out for the Talent Show!" Cadenza exclaims and our table agrees. "I'm thinking about it." I reply and look towards Veronica's table. "Just do it! You can finally kick Veronica's butt at this!" Katelyn exclaims. I just laugh and continue to let my thoughts overwhelm me. I stand up and excuse myself from my table. I run to the greenhouse behind the school and go through a secret hedge I found a few days ago. Inside it was a small little cozy cottage, the place I go to calm down and think. The bell rings and I walk to class. I have made up my mind.
~Time Skip Because Me Is Bored~
I walk to the auditorium and go to the front row. I can see a lot of people lined up including Ronnie, new nickname for Veronica. She hates being called that. Finally it's my turn, I sign up on the sheet and walk backstage. The judges come in and sit down in their seats. Ok, game on!
"Welcome to the 7th annual Talent Show! Our first contestant today is Ida Storye Tellere!" The announcer says and Ida starts singing Monuments.
This is gonna be a long day.

Look, I know it's been forever and it's short but I just had a foot operation. I won't be able to play sports or run for 6 weeks. It also hurts as heck! I'm doomed, but on the bright side.... I will be able to update more often! Whoever gets the 'Ida Storye Tellere' reference, I salute to you. Okay, QOD, If you could be in one anime, which one would it be? Remember to answer in the comments! I would be in One Piece. Sanji Senpai! Anyways have a nice day/night Fanmau!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2016 ⏰

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