Chap. 12: Loki Crashes The Party

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Tuesday, 8:00

Jeffory P.O.V
"Lady Thor is back, I see." Says a guy with green and gold armor, a gold helmet and a gold staff/scepter. Aph and Aaron both attack him and he dodges easily. He snaps his fingers and a bunch of these weird fish dragons appear and attack us. Me, Katelyn and Garroth transformed into our Jury of Nine forms and attacked those monsters. "Guys, you know what to do!" Aph yells.

Aphmau P.O.V
"Guys, you know what to do!" I yell to the Sky Army and Aaron. The Sky Army turn into hybrids and Aaron turns into Captain America. They all fight the Gawkens and defend our friends while I go up to Loki and fight him. "Well, what did we agree on, you don't see your friends and I'll leave you alone, now I will destroy you!" Loki says in that annoying voice. I would not be surprised if Loki was Veronica in disguise, he had the perks to do it(LOL I just did that). We started sparring, me hitting him with lightning and him shooting spells with his staff. When he was caught off guard, I shot him with every bit of en energy I had left. Loki disappears but before he does, he says something I will never forget. "When the war starts in 1 year, darkness will rise and defeat you all, even your puny friends. No mercy will be shown!"
After he disappears I fall and feel a pair of strong arms catch me, after that I let darkness consume me.

Garroth P.O.V
OMG, Aph just fell asleep in my arms. All the other boys stared at me, good thing those fish dragons are gone or else they would all be attacked right now. "Get her inside, now!" Aaron yells and we all run inside, me carrying Aphmau. I put her down onto the sofa and sit next to her. Jin puts the hammer she was holding onto a pedestal that appears out of nowhere. Aaron an Jin look worried and that makes me worry. What is going on here?

Jin P.O.V
Aph is being challenged to a trial where she needs to pass 3 tests to get out alive, one answer wrong and she is going to- I'm not even gonna say it.
We all hope she is going to make it out alive.

Schoolwork is taking over my life, so little chaps, Exhibition is coming up, anyone who understands what that is thank you. Anyone who doesn't, it's a sort of primary school year test where you be the teacher. It is hard. So anyways, Have a nice day/night Fanmau!
Narwhal~Chan, away!

 So anyways, Have a nice day/night Fanmau!Narwhal~Chan, away!

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