Chap. 8: The Few

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Monday, 11:00

Aphmau P.O.V

It was them, The Few. "I haven't seen you guys in 3 years!" I said to the hologram. The whole team was in the picture. "Well we're here to tell you something big." Sly said. "What is it?" I said worried thinking it was my good for nothing uncle, Loki. "Well, we're thinking of moving to Phoenix Drop and go to school there?" Katz said. "By the power of the Thor Judge, I grant thee the power to move here!" I said jokingly. "Sweet, we'll be there next week!" Kala says. As Kala said that Aaron ran out and started talking rapidly to the hologram. "Woah woah woah, slow down dude!" Steven said. Aaron stopped freaking out and calmed down. "And they're moving here!" I added. Once I said that he started freaking out again. I left him to finish panic mode and walked outside to our backyard. Once there I saw an injured bird running around, with a S.K. chasing it. I knocked out the S.K and sent him back to the nether with our emergency nether portal in the safe room. Once I got back to the injured bird, I brought it back to my room and tended to it. After a few moments, it fell asleep. At about 11:30 something crashed into our backyard making all of us run to the backyard. Once we got there, we saw a huge crater that only people with superhero blood can see, so Jin couldn't see anything and went back inside. When me and Aaron went closer, we saw that it was a shooting star. We collected the blue gem that was inside it and went back inside the house and fell asleep.
The war is coming.

Sorry if it's a short chapter. I'm sticking to the 1 chapter on weekend and more on weekdays, but if I have any free time or when I got nothing to do, I'll update. When this chapter is out, It will be when I get wifi again, #NoWifi.
Anyways, peace out Fanmau!


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