Chapter 6

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                                       ***3 DAYS LATER***  

I was walking back to my moms house from the grave side service we had for Callie, It was beautiful I cried again, I have cried everyday for the past three days. The pastor said we should celebrate her life and be thankful to The Lord that we got to spend the time that we had with her. I was not thankful to God at all, I was furious with him, I didn't even want to go to church anymore because all they do is talk about how great He is but how great can God be if he took my beast friend, he took her right away and didn't give me a chance to say goodbye. At least He could've given me that, a simple little goodbye. "all I wanted was a damn goodbye and You took that from me too." I cursed in the wind. I guess you could say I was mad but only at God and the fact that he let the fucking drunk driver walk away without a scratch, like how the hell does that work. I get punished for the idiots mistakes, and Callie's parents, they looked terrible Diane looked like she hadn't slept in days, I was in that boat too, anytime i shut my eyes I saw them both standing there in front of me. So i stuck to the whole I'll drink caffeine and stay up routine. 

"Hey honey." my mom called from behind me, my dad walking beside her hand in hand. I stopped to let them catch up. "what's wrong?" she asked wrapping her free arm over my shoulders.

"Nothing just dumb ole God punishing me for a dumbass's mistake." I cursed

"Don't call him that." My dad corrected

"why not? because we are 'christians'" I air quoted the word christian

"LANA, that's enough, get your butt inside and get your bag you don't want to be late for Blake's Funeral." she said stern

"oh look another reason God is nothing but a fuck up." I spoke

"Lana Garrel! I will not tolerate this you understand? now you get your shit together and lets go." My mom ordered

"Yes sir." I mimicked saluting off to her

"Honey I know you're hurting but being a bitch is not a resolution." my mom spoke a little more soft

"whatever" i mumbled throwing everything I own into my suitcase I could careless about anything anymore.

"lets go, NOW!" my mom yelled

"COMING DAMN IT!" i yelled back

The car ride to the airport was silent you could feel the tension between all of us not so much me and my dad but me and my mom definitely it was there you could almost see it like a grey mist hanging between us. My dad pulled up to the baggage check and I just quickly walked out and went to the trunk and grabbed my small bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I looked up to my dad who was right by my side and shot him a smile, then he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. 

"Lana honey, donner à votre maman une pause" he whispered in my ear

"Dad I can't give her a break she is pushing my buttons." I said 

"Just try, oui?" he said letting me go.

"okay" i replied turning on my heel and walking towards the doors. My mom was still sitting in the passenger seat. I could see her wiping tears from her eyes. I felt bad but not bad enough to deal with it at the moment. I turned around one last time and waved to my dad before completely walking through the glass doors. I was scared to go to Blake's funeral, I only knew him a few days and I met his sister once but I knew in my heart I had to do this. Blake would haunt me if I didn't appear at his funeral. I walked through the airport and just waited at gate C before they called boarding. I could feel a lump grow in my throat, It didn't help that I feared flying along with being scared to go to the funeral of a guy that I wanted a relationship with but I was going to do this, I did it for Callie now I can do it for Blake.

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