Chapter 9

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*2 Years Later*

"Niall wake up" I said slapping him with a pillow. he started grunting and getting upset that I was waking him up but he would get over it I am sure. 

"No, leave me alone Lana." he whined pulling the sheets over his head.

"Fine." I said getting off the bed. I never gave in that easy to Niall's plea to leave him alone in the morning so I was hoping, this would work.

"Wait! that was too easy." Niall said sitting up in the bed "why are you so quick to surrender?" he asked. I just looked at him and shrugged. "Lana tell me." Niall warned jokingly

"Never!" I shouted running out of the bedroom, Niall was quick, I could hear him coming up behind me . I made it into the kitchen when I felt two arms wrap my waist and pull me to a stop.

"Lana, tell me." He said 

"Okay okay, you have really bad morning breathe." I joked, waving my hand in front of my nose. Niall looked sad I could tell he was hoping that wasn't the reason I surrendered so quickly. "awh are you sad?" I joked in a baby voice.

"No, but I am going to kiss you with my bad morning breathe." he said spinning me around. 

"No, Niall don't" I screamed shaking my head and laughing. Nialls hand left the small of my back and made its way to my cheek he gently rubbed his thumb across my check bone and leaned in a kissed me. I began to smile in the kiss which I knew was a turn on for Niall, so he only started to kiss me harder and longer. I was the first to pull away, I licked my lips and just looked at Niall. He had a big grin on his face. "what?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Nothing, I just love you that's all." he smiled then he planted a small kiss on my forehead. Me and Niall were one of those best friend couples, I knew everything about him and he knew every small little detail about me. 

"I love you too, which is the reason I made you a pancake breakfast." I smiled pointing to all the food near the stove. I made eight pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs, along with assorted fruit in a bowl. I was very proud of myself for accomplishing this without waking him up with the smell of food floating through the house. 

"I thought I smelt bacon." he laughed rushing over to the food. He reached up in the cabinet above the fruit bowl and pulled out two plates. I watched as he put food on each plate, he put three pancakes on one plate a handful of bacon and a scoop of eggs on the other plate he had one pancake, two bacon slices and a lot of fruit. He placed the plate with fruit in front of me and and the other next to me in front of the empty bar stool. I looked at each plate, I really wanted to switch them while Niall got us orange juice but I didn't, I was nice this time. 

"do you remember when we first met?" I asked Niall as he poured some OJ into each cup.

"How could I forget." he laughed handing me a cup and then walking around the island to the empty bar stool next to me. 

"Seriously, like do you remember when I kissed you?" I laughed a little at the memory.

"I do and I remember you avoiding all my calls for like a week." he mentioned, while stuffing his face with pancakes.

"I was embarrassed." I corrected, taking a bite of my fruit.

"why? you are a good kisser, actually you might have been better back then." he joked eating some bacon.

"Oh shut up!" I said pushing his shoulder a little bit. 

"you know I can't do that." he smiled his cheeks full of eggs.

"you know my favorite memory?" I asked Niall, he shook his head. "the concert......."

********** 2 Years Ago***************

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