Chapter 10

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Niall refused to leave until El came back from work at noon but I wanted nothing more than to be alone. I had only slept for about two hours after I awoke from my nightmare and I was starting to feel the lack of sleep creep into my veins. My mind was racing and I couldn’t stop myself from crying every time I thought of Louis. He was so gorgeous and his smile made my heart flutter and the thought of ever losing him killed me. I was emotionally drained but I had finally mustered up the drive to move my sulking to the living room couch. The TV hummed away on some useless channel as I stared blankly out the window. My body was achy from the scuffle and my bruises ached and stung. The cut on my lip had split open again because of all my crying and continued to swell. I heard Niall making noise in the kitchen; I knew he was cleaning just like I told him he didn’t need to. That was my big brother, always trying to help. Everything around me seemed so far away, so faded, I couldn’t function with my mind racing like it was. I continued staring out the window at the hustle and bustle of the busy city and wondered what Louis was doing and if he was worried. I wondered if he had text or called…had he? I hadn’t had my phone since before the attack and maybe Louis had tried to contact me. I knew I couldn’t tell Lou about what had happened but he deserved to know I was okay, well for the most part. I flung the blanket off of my lap and hurried over to the small table in the hallway where I had left my belongings. I grabbed my phone, looked at the screen and began to cry again. Louis had called six times, left 5 voicemails and text me twelve times. I felt so bad for ignoring him but it kept me from telling the truth. He was obviously worried about me and I at least owed him a reply. I was about to respond, as I made my way back to the couch, when Niall stopped in front of me.

“What is wrong Karsyn? What are you doing with that?” he asked, pointing to my phone.

“I'm going to text Louis and tell him I am alright.” I responded looking back at the screen.

“No you are not!” he scolded as he snatched the phone from my hand.

“Niall yes I am! I owe him that much!” I spat and tried reaching for the phone.

“No Kar you are not! He is the reason that you are hurt!” he growled back.

“But I miss him! I need Louis! I love him!” I shouted, in shock of my own words I slumped to the ground and began to sob again.

Niall didn’t respond he just picked me up off the floor and carried me back to the couch. I curled up into the blanket, letting it catch all my tears. After a few minutes, Niall returned with a cup of tea and handed me back my phone.

“I have to leave sister but El should be home shortly. I’ll make sure the door is locked before I leave. I called your work and they are giving you the week to recover so that is all taken care of. I’ll be back tomorrow to check on you. Anything else you need before I go?” Niall rambled.

“No.” I managed to stammer.

“Okay then I will see you tomorrow.” He said leaving a kiss on my forehead.

I watched as he walked towards the door and I finally managed to speak just before he left.

“Niall, Thank you.” I said in a shaky voice.

He just nodded and shut the door behind him, leaving me alone in the silence.

I immediately typed up a reply to send to Louis explaining my absence.

Hey Louis I'm sorry I lost my phone and I’ve been sick. Xx Kar

Karsyn! I’ve been worrying about you! I'm coming over.

He can’t come over! I can’t let him see me like this! Now what?

No that’s okay I'm feeling really sleepy. Not up for visitors today.

Okay well I will try to come over sometime soon then…

I knew it had upset him that I wouldn’t let him come over but there was nothing else I could do. I needed more time to think of a way to tell him what happened and about my dream. My heart ached at the thought of keeping this huge secret from someone that I did indeed, love. I just wanted Louis to be with me but I also wanted us both to be safe.



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