Chapter 6

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I arrived home the next morning to an empty flat. Thankful that El had to work today I went to grab a quick shower. My muscles were achy and tense from my night with Louis. The hot water stung my aching body and the marks on my wrists had turned to a dark shade of purple. When I looked at them they sent a chill down my spine at just how dangerous Louis could be. I made a careful decision in my outfit for the day because I needed something to cover the bruises on my wrists. I was suddenly starting to doubt that things could ever work between me and Louis. He made me feel so good and took care of me but at the same time he had hurt me more than once and terrified me. I arrived at work two minutes late and my coworker Kimberly made sure to point out my tardiness.

“Karsyn you are late.” She said in her squeaky annoying voice.

“I'm aware Kim but boy nothing gets past you.” I snapped out of annoyance and pain.

My muscles ached and my whole body was throbbing and my mind had escaped me.

“Nice sweater but you know its June right Karsyn?” Kim said in a mocking tone.

I just rolled my eyes and began my work for the day. Answering phones, filing paperwork and booking appointments isn’t exactly what I wanted to do with my life but it paid the rent.

Finally at five o’clock I clocked out and hurried home. As I was walking past a park near my home I notice a group of shirtless guys playing soccer. My eyes wandered over the toned men but focused on one attractive guy in particular. His hair was sandy brown and messy and blue shorts hung from his hips. Just as I stared at him I knew exactly who it was. Louis. I turned my head and began to walk faster before he had time to notice me. I made it home nearly out of breath and found Eleanor in her room getting ready.

“Have a hot date tonight?” I asked looking at her gold sequin dress.

“Yes, you.” She said turning to look over my outfit. “Go change.” she said pointing towards my room.

“Give me ten minutes.”

Ten minutes later I was changed into a short blue dress and ready to have a good night with my best friend. We walked into the club and weaved our way through the dance floor to the bar. We grabbed drinks but before I could even say anything, El had gone to dance with some random guy. I was left alone at the bar but I didn’t mind it was good to just be out and get my mind of Louis.

“Would you like to dance?” I heard a raspy voice ask from my right.

“Sure.” I said to the tall guy with green orbs.

He led me to the middle of the floor and we began to dance. He grabbed me by my waist from behind and I began to grind into him. In the middle of our dancing I looked up to see a familiar figure coming towards us and his eyes were dark. It was Louis and I knew he was upset to see me with another guy. He approached us and I could tell he was drunk.

“What are you doing with him? You are my girl!” he shouted over the blaring music.

“Hey man we are just dancing.” The stranger said from behind me.

“Yeah With my girl.” Louis shouted out in anger as he smashed his fist into the strangers face.

I let out a scream as Louis pushed me behind him. Fear flushed through me and I turned and began to run for the restrooms in the back of the club. Seeing me run for escape, Louis gave up his fight and took off after me. Before I could reach the restroom I was thrust hard into the wall. A large blonde man had me pinned against the wall and began to kiss and bite at me as his hips grinded into me.

“If you don’t fight I won’t hurt you.” He growled into my ear.

I looked back towards the crowd and saw Louis searching for me.

“Louis!” I screamed and caught his attention.

He grabbed the large man and pushed him out the back door and into the ally. I followed behind. I saw Louis pin him to the ground and smash his fist repeatedly into the other guys face. Blood was everywhere and I knew if I didn’t stop him Louis would kill this guy.

“Louis stop you are going to kill him!” I screamed as tears ran down my face.

He didn’t stop his attack and I knew what I had to do.

“Louis I’ll be with you! I'm your girl!” I yelled.

He stopped his attack and shook the blood from his hand. He hurried over to me and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips and rested his forehead against mine. In the gap between us I could smell the alcohol.

“Come on let’s get you cleaned up.” I said as I pulled Louis out of the ally and we headed for my apartment.

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